Monday, June 29, 2009
ahhhhhh no more highschool
btw, is it too late to pick up my portfolio????
-Melanie Morris '09
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I miss you kids
Here I am with my table mates in Daytona Beach -- this was the last day so we were completely bonded and also sort of insane. The guy sitting down was my table leader and he was a hilarious guy...he taught high school in Texas for umpty ump years and just retired. He got his sick leave from all those years in a check, so while we were at the reading, he had a $55,000 payday. No wonder he's smiling!
Anyway, kids...I'll keep this blog up for another year or so...if you ever want to post or stay in touch, I'll pop out here from time to time to see if anyone has written anything new. Be good, study hard, and be a true blue friend to all of the people who love you.
Graduation was one week ago today. I still feel a little discombobulated. Hard to believe that the year is over. I am working on putting your porfolios away -- sorry I didn't get them back to you before the year was out. Come back anytime next year and I'll give it to you. I'm really going to work on getting those back to kids by the end of the year next year. I see so many ways I could have done a better job -- especially today at the ERWC symposium -- but what I like about teaching is that you always get another chance to do better next year.
Alexandra Faye Fletcher -- most people call me Alex, and if you want to, you certainly can.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Just now
Friday, June 19, 2009
In Love with Edward Cullen
The novel begins with Bella’s 18th birthday. She and Edward have been going out for six months now, and he tries to make this birthday memorable. In the midst of Bella’s birthday party at the Cullen’s, a stupid accident happens that leaves Bella covered in blood. This causes the party to fall somewhat flat, as the accident triggers a feeding frenzy in Jasper. Edward suddenly becomes distant towards Bella. He tells her that he and his family are leaving Forks for good, and that he never wants to see her again. This leaves Bella heartbroken, for her world revolves around Edward Cullen. Through the lapse of heartbreak, Bella’s world begins to fall apart as she loses most of her friends and becomes even more isolated and lonely.
As Bella loses friends, she grows closer to an old one. Jacob Black becomes Bella’s new partner in crime; she begins to explore her curiosities and go on adventures with him at her side. Although, the pain of Edward’s abandonment never subsides, Jacob becomes her best friend and he helps to fill some of the voids in her life. After spending a great amount of time with Jacob, Bella discovers he is not an ordinary boy, for part of his Quileute heritage is to be cursed to be a werewolf. And of course, it is not a coincidence that werewolves and vampires are each other’s worse enemies.
Alice returns to Forks and her extraordinary gift of being able to see the future tells her Edward is heading on a path of self-destruction –one that only Bella can advert. Bella and Alice leave Forks on a mission to save Edward, and after a series of unfortunate events and timing, they succeed. The lovers reunite, and their relationship is stronger than ever, but the big elephant in the room remains: what will happen to the camaraderie between Bella and Jacob?
This book was heartbreaking; I honestly fell in love with Edward after reading Twilight, but I hated him so much when he abandoned Bella. Regardless, I think Meyer did an excellent job in portraying Bella’s pain throughout the novel. It’s what this whole book is about. Most of the things Bella experiences in this book is a result of the overwhelming loss she is trying to bear. In addition, I believe her friendship with Jacob has a doomed quality to it not only because he loves her while she is in love with Edward but also because he is a werewolf and he naturally hates all vampires.
After reading the book, I fell in love with Edward all over again. His love for Bella runs deep, and it’s breathtaking to read about it. New Moon is bittersweet, and I totally recommend this book, as well as the whole Twilight series, to all! =)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
SSR 4th Quarter
His novel, Gone Bamboo, is written in much the same way. Gone Bamboo concerns an ex-mafia hetman named Henry, who goes to an island in the Caribbean to get away from his past, a man that he tried unsuccessfully to assassinate. Unfortunately for Henry, the US Government has other plans. The man that Henry tried to assassinate, Charlie Wagons is under the Federal Witness Protection program, until he can testify against his old cohorts, and he is being held under armed guard, right up the road from where Henry and his wife Frances live.
Henry and Frances befriend another younger couple, Tommy and Cheryl, who coincidentally live with Charlie, in an attempt to get closer to Charlie so that Henry can make his apologies for the past. Henry and Frances are almost assassinated themselves by a Mafia hitman name Little Petey, after the Mafia finds out that Henry is on the island near Charlie. They foil the assassin and kill him. That is only the least of their worries though, as a group of hired guns start a massive gun battle at the compound Charlie is staying at.
I’ll stop there as that is where the book starts getting good. I like this novel because it makes you laugh at some points, yet somehow manages to be serious when it needs to be. The characters are pretty developed, and when some die you feel for them to some extent.
my book review
Its 3:45 in the morning. Knock. Knock. Knock. Kathryn Lyons wakes out of her deep slumber confused and unaware of her surroundings. She remembers that her husband, jack, should be returning from his flight but not this early. She staggers down the stairs in her pajamas and opens her front door. A towering figure stands in her doorway. This isn’t her husband. “Mrs. Lyons?”, and then she knows.
Her feet give out on her and she falls to the ground.
This event happens in the first pages of “The Pilot’s Wife” by Anita Shreve, where Kathryn is told the news of her husband’s plane crashing off the coast of Ireland. The author goes on to illustrate the pain and grief Kathryn and her daughter Maddie endure from losing such a vital person in their lives. They are also accompanied by the union rep, Robert Hart, who helps keep the hungry press away from the grieving family and who updates them on all the rumors and information about the crash.
As the story unfolds we follow Kathryn through her grieving process and watch her strength grow as she tries to hold what’s left of her family together. It seems like the typical sad story with the typical grieving family until Kathryn begins to uncover things she never knew about her husband. We watch as she starts questioning her entire marriage and wondering if she really knew the man that she has loved for over 16 years.
The author does a great job of pulling all the pieces of the story together and depicting Kathryn’s growing doubt about her husband and their marriage. She does this by flashing back and forth from present to past and showing contrast between how Kathryn thought her husband was and the stranger she is finding him to be.
I would recommend this book but with some caution. It is not a happy romance or love story, it is sad and only becomes more depressing. It is a very captivating book and you will not want to put it down. I will not give away the ending but the author throws twists that you wouldn’t expect.
I really enjoyed reading “The Pilot’s Wife” and I found that during SSR it really held my attention despite all the side conversations and snickering that we had in class. I find that as the year went on I was able to block out all the background commotion more and more. I became a more effective reader due to SSR and I think that it was very beneficial.
They all basically had the same plot. A girl lives with her father and they are happy. Along comes a horrible stepmother and one or two of her daughters. They try to sabotage her relationship ith her father and make her the "maid" of the house. She somehow gets a slipper/shoe/sandal and meets the prince. She leaves her shoe/slipper/sandal behind. The prince looks for her and then finds her. Happily ever after.
My favortie was the Eygptan version. The pictures were amazing, so colorful. They storyline was a little differnt from the original and I just loved it!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
favorite part
book review
Sunday, June 14, 2009
To those who paid attention to the movie
True Colors for 4th Quarter
Friday, June 12, 2009
One book that I did find was the book Skinny by Ibi Kaslik. I will tell you right now- the book is interesting in the beginning, but by the end of it you want to scream.
The book goes back and forth from the perspective of Holly, a high schooler and Giselle, who is Holly's older sister. Giselle has a really bad eating disorder and just got out of the hospital for it. I will admit, it was nice to see the perspective of someone other than the sick, just to show how everyone is affected.
The reasons for Giselle's illness are deep rooted, starting with how her parents met and her father's death.
The book drags on, switching time periods and points of view constantly, forcing the reader to keep up.
I would give the book a C- at best.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Book Review
But no, although rare sometimes humans are able to fight back once their mind and body has been invaded by the aliens. Melanie and the alien Wanda are both fight for control of Melanie's body. Neither one has complete control of the body nor the mind. Unwillingly Melanie shows Wanda how to find her brother and Jared. The hidden human community can't believe that Melanie has been able to break free of Wanda, so at first they treat the two girls really bad. As the book progresses they see that Melanie AND Wanda are both inside both actively alive. I don't want to give away too much, but the two girls continue live in the hidden human community with Jared and her brother. Many events happen including a love triangle, secret heist, and much more.
I loved this book because the ending was perfect. I hate when I read an entire book and I'm all into it and than it ends horribly. Stephenie Meyer has such a way with creating characters that you fall in love with. There always seems to be this underlying theme of forbidden love, first in Twilight with Bella and Edward and than with Melanie, Jared, and Wanda in The Host. It's strange that I enjoyed The Host as much as I did because I usually don't mix well with science fiction books. I get bored if they are too unrealistic. Although aliens invading earth and taking over our bodies is pretty far stretched I still loved it. Who knows, maybe this could happen?? Anyways if you loved Twilight, you will love The Host. It's a easy read and you won't be able to put it down.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tell Nick Bear
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I love you kids!
don't know when I'll be back again,
oh babe, I hate to go.
Actually, I'll be back June 18. Be good and rock your graduation!
4th qtr book review
Perfume by Patrick Suskind
It is about this guy Grenouille who was born in 18th century Paris, while his mother was working in this factory. After he was born, his mother threw him in the trash like his older siblings to die, though while in the trash he decided to start crying leading him to be discovered. His mother was found and was hung. The odd thing about Grenouille was that he did not have any scent, no fresh baby smell, nothing, which really proved really creepy to the monk who was to take care of him. The monk couldn't handle the defective infant so he took him far away to this lady who was said to have died on the inside when she was a little girl, after being beaten by her father. She didn't feel any real emotion, her only care was that she did not want to be taken to die in a hospital. For her living she took in unwanted children as long as someone paid for their basic needs and putting them to work. It was she who discovered that Grenouille had an incredible sense of smell, he could tell if a storm was coming, or where things were even if they were hidden.
When Grenouille ran out of paid time, she sold him to a tanner to do some of the most deadly work with chemicals. While exploring the city after his work, he smells somthing that he cannot resist, he follows it; it leads to a young virgin girl whom he kills receiving some sort of sexual pleasure from the event. To his dismay, the beautiful smell disappears once the girl is dead, this leads to his killing of many more girls in the future. Grenouille later becomes disgusted with the smell of humanity, so he ends up living in a desolate cave for seven years. It is after this time Grenouille realizes himself that he has no scent of his own. He then goes to Montpelier where he works for a perfumer, learning how to capture scents. From here he tries to capture the scents of the beautiful women he kills, eventually succeeds. The townspeople finally discovers that Grenouille is the one committing the murders as seeks to finish the greatest of all perfumes. The final scene is him about to be hung when he opens his perfume, as it spreads over the crowd, everyone begins this massive orgy.
I did not see that coming.
-Michelle Herrera
SSR: Watchmen
Monday, June 8, 2009
Please, lord, no. Not in my lifetime. Never.
SSR: The Greatest Story About One of Sports Greatest Dynasties
They were rowdy, they were arrogant, they were flashy, they were America’s Team. Men wanted to be them and women wanted to sleep with them. They were the Dallas Cowboys of the 1990’s and Boys Will Be Boys is an account of that team’s creation, their dynasty and downfall by New York Times bestselling author Jeff Pearlman.
The book begins with the day many Dallas Cowboys realized their dynasty was over, it was day Michael Irvin – aka The Playmaker- stabbed defensive lineman Everett McIver in the neck for cutting him in line for a hair cut. The story contains many eye witness accounts, and names other incidents The Playmaker had with breaking rules and laws (He was once found in a hotel room with two strippers, 10.3 grams of cocaine, over an ounce of pot, drug paraphernalia and sex toys to boot.) but those who played with the Playmaker all said that without a doubt Irvin was about the team and always showed up to practice and to play harder than anyone on game day.
Boys Will Be Boys then goes on to show former oil tycoon Jerry Jones’ rise to ownership of America’s Team is partly due to the fact he was the only man prior owner Bum Bryant felt would fire historic coach Tom Landry. Once Jerry Jones rises to ownership he seeks out Jimmie Johnson as his head coach, whom at the time coached collegiate powerhouse Miami, then their love when they were winning, hate when one felt the other was undermining authority or overstepping bounds. There are many accounts from former players that tell the tale of both men in positive and negative lights. Jeff Pearlman also details the fallout of Jerry and Jimmie saga with the announcement of Jimmie Johnsons firing whilst Jerry was drunk at a bar talking to a reporter.
Pearlman tells the story as if he is sitting down in your living room with the occasional smartass comment and paying attention to detail like only the best story tellers; be it Charles Haley’s obsession with walking around naked, the White House (The Cowboys secret get away that could put some ancient brothels to shame.) even some play by play from vital games each season not to mention detailed accounts of the trips to the Super Bowls and all of the off field “activities” that went on because they were THE Dallas Cowboys. Pearlman also goes as far to show Jerry Jones for the nutcase that he is, as well as practically calling out reporter Skip Bayless for devoting 10 pages to questioning star quarterback Troy Aikman’s sexual preference in Bayless’ tell all book Hell-Bent.
Jeff Pearlman has created a masterpiece that is a must read for all sports fans not just Cowboy fans. Boys Will Be Boys will toss you a beer and tell you to sit down a listen to a tale of the rise and fall of one of the greatest dynasties the sports world has seen, The Dallas Cowboys.
Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
The Lands' quiet lives are disrupted one night when Reuben's older brother Davy kills two intruders(Israel Finch and Tommy Basca) and is charged with murder. When he escapes from jail during his trial, the Lands leave home to go in search of him.
They go first to their best friend August Schultz's farm after receiving a discreet post card hinting that Davy might be there. When they arrive, however, they find Davy has left but also receive an update on him. From there they continue on the road. As they search, however, they repeatedly encounter a federal agent named Martin Andreeson, who is also on Davy's trail.
They adventure out into the West, which is a romantic scene for Swede, and fitting for Reuben and Jeremiah considering their lung condition (Jeremiah recently overcame an illness prior to the journey). The family has no real plan for travel, and simply makes stops where fitting. Eventually winding up at a home with a gas pump, with need for a purchase.
The woman who owns the gas pump, Roxanna, allows the family to buy gas, and rent rooms in the house during a storm. The storm is quite severe, however, and the family decides on an extended stay. Roxanna becomes like the mother that the children never had, comforting them in their losses, telling them exciting stories about her grandfather's adventures with Butch Cassidy, and even helping Reuben with his health. Finding Roxanna is considered one of Jeremiah's last "miracles".
During their stay, Reuben makes contact with Davy, meeting him in the wilderness and his fellow hideaways, Jape Waltzer and a girl known simply as Sara. Waltzer claims to have "bought" Sara from her father in Utah and raises her with the intension of one day marrying her. Waltzer also appears mentally unstable, abusing Sara and forcing eccentrics on others. The more Rueben sneaks away from the family, the worse his health becomes. While Reuben suffers from his lungs, Andreeson comes across the family once again striking an agreement with Jeremiah, after he hints he is coming close to finding Davy. Reuben warns Davy, who seems unconcerned.
Eventually, Reuben tells his family, and (after convincing from his moral father) officials in the search. A search party is formed, with Reuben in the lead, who tries at one point to disrupt the search. His attempt failed, however, and the search continued to Jape's cottage, only to find it empty, except for Martin Andreeson's discarded fedora, leading officials to believe he has been killed.
The family returns to their home in Roofing, Minnesota, where Jeremiah marries Roxanna and the family finally settles in, though Swede refuses to forgive Reuben for not telling her he had been seeing Davy. One night, three months into the family's arrangement Davy appears at their home with Sara, claiming to have escaped Jape. The family spends the entire night catching up with him, and agree that if he must get back on the road, Sara can live with them. The following morning the family walks outside to see Davy off only to Jape Waltzer waiting outside patiently. He fires a rifle once, hitting Jeremiah in the side. When Reuben runs forward after his injured father, he is shot squarely in the chest. The next chapter is a sequence in which Reuben is in a heaven-like place, where his breathing is normal and he can run freely. He is at the bank of a river, ready to go in when he meets his father, who dives into the river instead. Reuben awakes to find his father dead and he still breathing even though his father suffered only minor injuries and he suffered ones that were certainly fatal. Reuben owes his father his life for one last miracle.
I really believe in miracles and that's a big reason why I really liked this novel.
Princess Academy
Miri is a girl whose body is much weaker than that of a teenager’s. She lives in a mythical place on a mountain called Mt. Eskel, a far from Danland. She is never allowed to work with the rest of the villagers in the quarry, where Linder, the community’s main export is cut, because she is so fragile and so she feels like an outcast, cut off from the culture that is largely formed by their working life in the quarry. You see it’s really loud in the quarry so they use something called quarry speech to communicate, but know one knows how it really works and everyone thinks that it is only possible to use in the quarry. Then there is Peder, Miri's best friend since childhood, whom she is beginning to have a crush on. Basically the main plot of the book is Miri trying to find self-worth by someway helping her home.
So her prayers are answered when one of the king’s messengers announces that a prophecy of the next princess will come from Mt. Eskel, despite the lack of education provided for the villagers and despite the prejudice that exists between the mountain villagers and the lowlanders. So then they set up a princess academy, to train the young girls, like Miri, in the ways of the lowland noblemen and noblewomen, to prepare them for the prince’s arrival and choosing of his princess. Though the academy is difficult because of a strict teacher, Miri excels at learning and commerce; she even helps the village in trading with lowlanders, but is that enough to become Academy princess? Does she have what it takes to be chosen by a prince? Only time can tell as she deals with girls who wish just as much as her to be the prince’s bride-to-be, and learns that things and people are not always what they seem.
I love Shannon Hale’s writing, it’s so fluid and comfortable, and the message it send to it’s readers is warm and comforting. I loved her book so much that it only took me a couple of hours to finish the book!
4th quarter Book review
Sunday, June 7, 2009
5 People
The main character, Eddie, is an 80-something year old widower who works at Ruby Pier. On his birthday he goes to work, like he does every day, as the maintenance man. One of the coasters has something wrong with it and could harm a young girl, so Eddie risks, and loses his life to try and save the little girl. When Eddie wakes up he is in heaven. His first reaction is anger and all he cares about is if he saved the little girl. During his time in heaven he meets five people who were apart of his life. Whether he knew them or not, they played a part in how his life ended up or vice versa. He makes view changing discoveries, revisits painful memories, and in the end makes a peace-making revelation.
Albom tells the story to give people a look at how he thinks of heaven. To explain all the things that you didnt understand, show you things, and give you a better understanding of the life you lived.
I can say that i really enjoyed this book. I'm kind of upset that i didnt finish it all the way through, without taking that long break, but the book's good no matter how long it took me to finish it. I wish i could thank him for writing such a wonderful story.
Friday, June 5, 2009
The last book was Malice by Danielle Steel. This book was SOO good! It was one of my all time favorite books that I have ever read, and thats a lot of books :). Anyways it was completely devastating, uplifting, and inspirational at the same time. It is a story of a young girl who struggles through her teen years taking care of her sick mother who has cancer and dies a slow painful dealth. Her father was the martyr to everyone in thier town and no one expected that he was beating his sick wife up until the day she died, nor did they suspect that he would continually rape his daughter night after night. The night of the funeral for her mom, her dad came into her room and started to rape her again, but she couldnt take it and accidently shot him and killed him. Because her father was so loved in their community no one believed her story and she was sent to prison. Their she experienced the worst of the worst and when she finnally got out she experienced many more circumstances where men tried to control her and abuse her. Her strenght and perserverence through everything was so inspirational to me and the things I mentioned were just some of the obstacles she overcame in the book. It was truly a amazing book that told an ordinary woman's story, portraying her struggle to truimph over malice and betrayal, and to transform a lifetime of pain into a blessing for others around her.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Book Review: A Gathering of Old Men
The conclusion of the novel hints that although the wounds of the past run deep and still influence the present, times are changing, and in the future, black people can hold out hope for a new era in which everyone is treated equally under the law. This is a great read for anyone whether your black, white, or purple you will like this book.
Tucker Max is King!
To sum it up as best as I can, the book is composed of short stories narrated by the author, the book is told in a highly embellished style and often focuses on the narrator's humorous excess. The stories normally deal with themes of drinking (often to excess), insulting people, and embarrassing sexual encounters. In short, read it or your not American.
p.s. Ms. Fletcher if you don't read it your still American=)
Different is not always bad.
First of all, I would like to tell all you seniors and Ms. Fletcher that I’m going to miss you all. Congratulations Class of 09.
Well, I feel that there is a misunderstanding sometimes as to how guys treat girls or women differently and why. I mean I am completely against discriminating women, and I would not like it if I was in that position. Why do I stand against it? Mainly because I have a mother, teachers, former teachers, and a lot of friends, who are women or who are young ladies. I would find it unjust for them to be discriminated against just because of their gender. However, I do find it necessary to treat women differently. Please allow me to explain what I mean by that. I could never talk to a female friend the way I talk to my male buddies, homies, or whatever. It would feel different. I believe girls should be respected. I could never imagine even raising my hand at a girl, it’s like they say in Spanish, “a la mujer no se le toca, ni con el petalo de una flor” which means you don’t touch (hit) a woman even with a flower’s pedal. It’s difficult to change that custom. That’s the way we were raised, or at least the way I was raised. Always respect women. I mean I think many people would agree with me that it’s wrong to see a guy beating a girl, even if she’s his girlfriend, or whatever. That’s what I mean when I say we, guys, can’t treat girls like we treat each other, but we shouldn’t discriminate girls either.
Book Review
The Shack
WM. Paul Young
250 pages.
Are you religious? Do you seek the help from God?
Well, it doesn't really matter as long as you are interesting in a higher power. I am reading this book called The Shack by W.M. Paul Young and it is very interesting. If you don't want the book given away than stop reading now and move on to another post, because I cannot tell you about this book unless I give it away.
There is this guy called Mac. He has a wonderful family, beautiful wife and lovely kids. One summer Mac decides to take his three younger kids off on a labor day trip. Unfortunately, his daughter Missy is abducted and is believed to have been murdered in this shack. Of course the whole family takes it very hard, but mac is thrown into this "great saddness".
One day mac gets a note saying to go back to the shack. Turns out this note is from God. Yes, God. Mac goes to the shack, even though he is skeptical and to his surprise there are three people there: a black woman, a transparent asian woman, and an arabian man. These people are the trinity. The Arabian is Jesus, the Asian is the Holy Spirit, and the Black woman is God himself (herself). They teach Mac some much needed lessons... and frankly that is how far I have gotten.
To be perfectly honest, I do not know if I am going to finish it. It is nice. It is inspirational. It really gives you something to think about, but it is not for me. I believe in God, and I do believe that God is not a big white man. (In the book it describes that God portrayed himself as a woman because he did not want Mac to think of him the way society sees him. Which makes sense, you cannot get on a personal level with someone if you are looking at them by their stereotypes. Plus, I am not against God being black because according to science civilzation started in Africa/Middle East in an area that is considered to be the Garden of Eden.) Anyway, the book is not for me, but it may be for you.
P.S. Mac is a real guy. He did have a spirtiually epiphany, but I am unclear as to whether or not it went as far as what the book says. Than again, I should finish the book to find out.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
SSR Blog
Free Rice is actually pretty Cool
OKEY DOKEY i can't stop laughing
I have a lot of things going on in my mind when it comes to men and women and how stereotypes make the mout to be. THE ARGUEMENT that took place in one of our classes seems to be the talk of the town. While this ARGUEMENT got personal and crossed some lines, I thought it was classic male vs female. The stereotype that men have is that they are blunt, macho, and need to be one up on everyone and everything. Women have the stereotype of not taking charge and just talking around subjects. A majority of guys need to know what you want; they don't want to guess and get it wrong because when they get it wrong the girl gets all butthurt and their time together is no bueno. I personally don't fit the stereotype of how a woman should speak and many of us don't. Amari and I talk to each other at our table in class and the guys who sit with us laugh because we talk like "guys". We are straight forward, say what we feel, and we aren't ashamed to say what we think. Some girls talk around what they want and it drives me crazy. Now most men need to feel like they are in charge and to prove that they can get what they want. They always try to act like they are big and bad when they are not. Most try to act like they know everything when they don't but to say that would be seen as a weakness. I just wish people would look past the stereotypes that have been there forever! Break the mold people like really. Don't hold back your voice and don't be afraid of what others will say.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Book Review
Girls vs. Boys
This approach is great! I'm a competitor myself, I'm often caught saying "winner" when there is really no contest, but that's not the point. The point is looking good. When someone makes a clear picture that they are definitely better than their competition, how could they lose?! I mean, if you had a really nice picture, where would you place it by.. Heidi Klum or coked up Amy Whinehouse? I'd place it by Whinehouse because I'd probably look 10x's better than if I placed by than an actual model. It's like the whole "feel-fat?-get-fatter-friends" concept. We've all heard of it and it's been so effective. It's great to hear women stand up for themselves.
I really hope that this section isn't about the difference between boys and girls. Obviously, there has to be a difference. That extra 'X' or 'Y' chromosome makes a huge difference. Testosterone, estrogen, every chemical takes a toll on our bodies and we already know that there is a behavioral difference between the sexes. I was hoping more for a cultural experience. I would like to learn about the "talk-stories" and how the asian cultlure has effected us. I would rather learn, who do politicians appeal to, minorites or their own race, and do they use culture to help that influence. I would rather learn about the cultures of other countries, how they eat, who they eat with, what they eat, things like that, to make a better distinction between cultures. Our studies seemed to be based around stereotypes, and I was hoping that we'd learn how not to think that way.
However, in a class dicussion, I realized that awareness is important. I use to be one of those people who believed that racism was over, at least in California. It seems that just because I don't practice it, or see any of it, it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Same with sexism and any other prejudice. A harsh reality I've come to terms with. I couldn't do a project based on the chemistry of STD's and sex because I just so happened to be doing the project with my boyfriend. Right away, people throw in jokes about how we researched, but that just wasn't the case. Two boys or two girls simply wouldn't have to go through principals, vice principals, and adminstrators just to present an hour on this type of subject. I remember being frustrated and wished that other people would believe that we'd approach any subject appropriately and maturely. I hated how they didn't trust us to take sex seriously, just because of how old we were. It's like they expected us to follow the stereotype. How dare they put us to such low standards! I guess since prejudism is such a nasty thing to experience, that I hoped that people could surpass that and be all nice to each other. You know, all the hippie love stuff.
I've really been blind, I've always hear Mayfair complaining how we're separated into groups. Certain people, certain personalities, they always got to stick together. I assumed that this was false due to the fact that I've had classmates I've never seen before engage conversation in classrooms and how I'm always saying hi to the class of '09 outside of school. Nobody really talked badly about each other and I thought that was the only factor in separation. As long as we respected each other, categorizing ourselves and separating ourselves couldn't be possible. Still, we separate by how we're treated by teachers, and other peers. We categorize by our interests and our cultures. I'm sure it's improved from when my dad was in high school, but I'm sure that our children will be more united than we feel today.
Free Rice
This site, features on our wonderful blog is a great site. It is basically taking a quiz, but the quiz can be on any subject your wish to study: langauge, math, chemisty, art, and english. You take this quiz right, and every answer you get right 10 grams of rice will be donated to the UN food program. Great right?
So at this site you can get the extra studying you want with the initiative to feed those less fortunate. Well, I do not know, I think it is a great sight. As a matter of fact, I am going to stop blogging and continue to play.
A Little Bit Feminist
So this whole talk about men taking control of a conversation makes me mad a little. I posted a comment on someone's post, I can't remember who, saying how women are the true rulers of any conversation. If a women really doesn't want something to happen, they will straight out tell you. I do not know one women who would agree to eat out at a place they really do not want to eat at. If they do dance around the topic of where they want to go, it is because they want the other person to feel as if they have a say too, but the dance always comes back to what the woman really wants.
These are just my beliefs. Women really take command, we just do it in the way to make men feel as if they are in charge.
Girly Men and Manly Women...sound funny?
Many Many Pages Under My Belt
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sotomayor: "Abrasive" "Racist"
The Republican party has been attacking Sotomayor and accusing her for a number of things: for bringing her ethnicity and gender into her decision-making process, for being empathetic, and other things. Ya, one problem with those attacks. As Maddow pointed out, if we attack Sotomayor for bringing ethnicity into decision making, we have to attack Justice Samuel Alito for the same thing, if we attack Obama for praising her empathy, we should also attack Bush Sr. for praising the same quality in Clarence Thomas. So that basically breaks those attacks down for now.
G. Gordon Liddy, one of the masterminds of the famous Watergate scandal and a radio talk show host, said, "let's hope that the key conferences aren't when she's menstruating or something, or just before she's going to menstruate. That would be bad." I was like, WTF!?! Is it that her judgement skills will be impaired during that time of the month? Is she less capable to do her job just because she is a woman?
Some republicans are claiming she's racist. How the heck is she racist?? Did I miss something? I've seen no evidence of her being racist, except maybe saying that she takes her ethnicity into consideration when making decisions on cases, which totally makes sense if you ask me.
One other thing that was pointed out was that Sotomayor is "abrasive" but what about all those men in Congress and what-not...aren't they abrasive too? Or are they called go-getters? Powerful? Resourceful?
Truth be told, I don't really pay attention to politics but this just pissed me off! How can people be so blind to someone's qualifications and attack her based on her race and gender? One more reason I'll never get into politics.
Here's the clip from the Rachel Maddow show that deals w/ the attacks on Sotomayor.
4th Quarter Book Review
Saturday, May 30, 2009
the year is finally done...
To read is to learn...

Willow was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), which is a genetic bone disorder characterized by bones that break easily. She is five years old and have broken over 68 bones in her body. People with Willow's type of OI can break a bone by slipping on a fallen napkin, they can break a bone if the car stop too suddenly, or if they sneeze too hard. But Willow also has a great spirit. She knows how to read at a 6th grade level and can surf the web. She enjoys learning random facts that no one else knows.
Well, one day her mother decides that although she loves her daughter dearly and can't imagine life without her, she wants to sue her obstetrician, who also happens to be her best friend, for not telling her about Willow's disease sooner and thus giving her the option to abort the baby. The lawsuit that ensues tears apart Willow's family, and leads to many questions: How disabled is TOO disabled? And as a parent, how far would you go to take care of someone you love?
I really enjoyed reading this book, not only because it was written by Picoult but because the issues it addresses were interesting and so were the characters. The book is written from the points of view of four major characters and though Willow is the central character, we don't really hear her speak till the end of the story. The story line is compelling and it captivates the reader till the very last word.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
4th quarter book summary
quarter 3 book summary
Men, men, men men mainly men!!!!!
4th Quarter Book Review
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Women Speak Up
Virginia Woolf
I found this quote on the Quotes of the day website that Ms. Fletcher posted. I really like the website because it has all these different interesting quotes. I think that most of them can start really interesting discussions. I wanted to share this quote because I think that it relates to what we’ve been talking about in class. I think that since women have always been the sensitive, polite, indirect, quiet gender that we’ve set that categorization for our selves. We always try to not hurt the feelings of others and so we come out as weak. Sometime sour opinions aren’t heard because of our insecurity. We became quiet to not appear as mean or arrogant every time we talked. That is why no one is used to hearing a woman speak with security and authority, and so when we do people act offended. We were always anonymous and now that we trey not to be anonymous anymore the opposite sex feel threatened.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
4th Quarter Book Rev. TUESDAY'S WITH MORRIE
In Tuesday's With Morrie, Mitch Albom writes from a present perspective while referring to past at some instances, telling the heart-warming story of his professor and him. Mitch talks about how they first met, the beginnings of their one-on-one "classes" which were really just deep intimate talks they would have together. The story truly begins when Mitch, in his thirties now, married, and carrying the job of a writer, particularly writing about sports, is sitting at home one day on the couch and sees his old professor on the t.v. having an interview with a famous newscaster. He looks old, tired, and sick. And he is sick. He had a serious disease in which his muscles were becoming less and less functioning every day. After Mitch sees this old man who was such an important part of his life for so much of his life, he decided he needed to get a hold of Morrie.
When he did, at first it felt awakward. Trying to get back into the swing of things, having a regular conversation. And before they knew it, it was as if no time had come inbetween them at all. It was like they were back "in class" again. Since Mitch lived in Michigan and Morrie lived in Massachsettes, Mitch would fly out and see him every weekend. Every trip began becoming more and more difficult. Mitch was watching his friend, his teacher, his good company for so many years, literally deteriorate with every visit. But with every visit brought a new lesson to be learned for Mitch. They talked about every thing imaginable to talk about. Life, death, love, shame, hope, dreams, marriage, and so much more. Mitch even brought his wife once to visit, and she was immensely touched by Morrie, as he was by her. And throughout all this learning, he compiled this book. Morrie was interviewed two more times before he died. The whole country feel absolutely in love with him, and he received a numerous amount of letters from his viewers about how much he inspired them. Mitch's last time with Morrie was memorable and the way it was suppose to be. A simple talk, and a sweet good-bye. Mitch was not in Massachusettes when Morrie died. But he was happy to know that Morrie passed the way he wanted to, which was peacefully.
This book was amazing. The lessons in which Mitch learns, the reader does too. I found myself getting teary eyed a lot of the times. That is how emotional this book is. You can really sense that Mitch put his all into his book that reflects on his amazing life experiences with Morrie. There are no words to describe how wonderful this book is, you need to read it your self. You will instantly fall in love with the story, and will want to learn each life lesson that is in the next chapter.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
4th quarter book review

So this is the book that I have been reading for sooo long. Well the story is that I have been so busy with prom, work, and home life that I almost completely neglected reading, but I love to read =( So the other night I pulled this book back out, and I just had to finish it because it had been sitting in my book case for the longest time half read. The ending shocked me like no other. So I left off with this guy being in jail for faking his death and stilling 91 million dollars from his law firm. Well at the end of the book he walked away a free man! Ok so this dude was living in another country when he was caught, and he had a whole new identity. He also had a beautiful lady who acted as his wife. This guy had enough evidence to prove that the guys that he stole the money from were the true criminals, so they were arrested. When he faked his death he obviously had to use another body, but it turned out that he didn't kill anyone. The guy was already dead! They couldn't charge him with tampering with a grave because he stole the body before they buried the corpse. He paid his wife off so that she wouldn't sue him for lying and leaving her. He also paid the family of the dead guy off. They couldn't charge him for stilling the money because it was a federal matter that was being handled, and had been handled else where. So all they could charge him for was multilating a corpse. crazy right! he walked away with soooooo much money because he planned to be caught. He gave leads to the dudes that were looking for him. Whenever he gave them a lead he got money, so in total he made about 15 million off them plus the interest he gained for housing all that previous cash in the banks. Once he was free, he and his girlfriend arranged to meet. She never showed up! She disappeared, and she was taught how to hide and run by him. She will never be caught unless she wants to be. He doesn't know where his money is because she had control of it all, so now he's BROKE! HAHAHAH
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009
A Scanner Darkly.
I think it's about getting rid of a drug called Substance D. The main character Robert Actor is an undercover cop that needs to catch dealers; it just so happens, though, that he's a user too. I get lost when I read it. I don't recommend it.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
B00gi3's into the wild
Thursday, May 14, 2009
BELL HOOKS - friend or foe?
Basically what i am trying to say is that there is no need to be angry at what bell hooks wrote. I think people need to sit down and realize that everyone has an opinion and are free to voice it. I cant even describe how angry it makes me to hear people argue about people speaking their mind. Theres no way you can change someones mind once they've made it up and i dont see the point in trying. It all comes down to difference of opinion and some people dont know how to respect that.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Loop de looping.
For example: Today's looping topic was "rebellion." So I wrote and picked a sentence I liked and started talking about rules. Picked another sentence and started talking about money. It goes on and on and on and before you know it the bell rings for the next class.
Basically writing can take you anywhere in your mind. I like the fact that we can just write whatever we want (be appropiate on what you write about) without being hesitant about a specific topic. Maybe it's because I like to write (hence why i have a blog), but it's good because loop writing expresses our minds through pen or pencil and paper. I think that's what we all really need. To express how and what we feel about a topic in any way possible.
Also, don't forget to bring your SSR books tomorrow since Ms. Fletcher won't be here. Bye everyone! Enjoy the rest of your day.(: