I'm sure most of y'all have heard about Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court. Well, I was watching the Rachel Maddow Show last Friday and the main topic was what the Republican party is saying about Sotomayor.
The Republican party has been attacking Sotomayor and accusing her for a number of things: for bringing her ethnicity and gender into her decision-making process, for being empathetic, and other things. Ya, one problem with those attacks. As Maddow pointed out, if we attack Sotomayor for bringing ethnicity into decision making, we have to attack Justice Samuel Alito for the same thing, if we attack Obama for praising her empathy, we should also attack Bush Sr. for praising the same quality in Clarence Thomas. So that basically breaks those attacks down for now.
G. Gordon Liddy, one of the masterminds of the famous Watergate scandal and a radio talk show host, said, "let's hope that the key conferences aren't when she's menstruating or something, or just before she's going to menstruate. That would be bad." I was like, WTF!?! Is it that her judgement skills will be impaired during that time of the month? Is she less capable to do her job just because she is a woman?
Some republicans are claiming she's racist. How the heck is she racist?? Did I miss something? I've seen no evidence of her being racist, except maybe saying that she takes her ethnicity into consideration when making decisions on cases, which totally makes sense if you ask me.
One other thing that was pointed out was that Sotomayor is "abrasive" but what about all those men in Congress and what-not...aren't they abrasive too? Or are they called go-getters? Powerful? Resourceful?
Truth be told, I don't really pay attention to politics but this just pissed me off! How can people be so blind to someone's qualifications and attack her based on her race and gender? One more reason I'll never get into politics.
Here's the clip from the Rachel Maddow show that deals w/ the attacks on Sotomayor.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
4th Quarter Book Review
For this quarter I am reading a biography of Madam C.J Walker titled The Black Rose written Tananarive Due and Alex Haley. It contains 39 chapters and 375 pages. Madam C.J. Walker was one of America's first black female millionaires. Her biography discusses her life growing up in the southern state of Louisiana. She was born December 23, 1867 in Delta, Louisiana. As a bashful child she did not imagine herself evolving from share-cropping and corn fields. By inventing a beauty company, and being a leading philanthropist in African American causes she change the view of a African American woman. author Alex Haley was fascinated by Madam C.J Walker's triumphant life and the era that she lived in that he wanted to write a book about her before his past on. Madam C.J Walker's government name was Sarah Breedlove. People called her Miss. Sarah. Throughout her life she was married at the age of fourteen to Moses McWilliams, at the age of eighteen she gave birth to her daughter named Lelia, and at the age twenty she was widowed. She discovered her name Madam C.J. Walker from her second husband Charles Joseph Walker. After dealing with hair loss, she prayed and dreamed of a formula that would repair African Americans hair and that is when she created a formula that enhance African Americans hair for many generations to come. After becoming a self-made millionaire and traveling all around the world, Madam C.J Walker died in 1919 at the age of 51 due to hypertension.The Black Rose is a wonderful novel and I recommend that everyone should read it. It is enlightening and inspirational. It shows that you can do anything if you just put your mind to it.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
the year is finally done...
For the fourth quarter i read Going After Cacciato by Tim O'Brien. Its about a squad of men in Vietnam chasing after a guy named Cacciato. He deserted the war and started a long march to Paris. The squads goal was to chase him down and bring him back to the war but Cacciato ended up leading them across two continents into Paris. He was running from the chaos in Vietnam; for a stable life in a stable country. He was running for greener pastures, and deep down I think thats what everybody is secretly looking for. I'm going to Alabama in two weeks and cant wait to leave. Maybe the grass is greener in the "Dixie" land. The closer I get to leaving the more I can somewhat understand why Cacciato was trying to leave. Well overall its a very good book to read. Every other chapter switches from chasing Cacciato to back in the fighting in Vietnam and it may confuse some people but if you can put up with that then I recommend this book for you.
To read is to learn...

Willow was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), which is a genetic bone disorder characterized by bones that break easily. She is five years old and have broken over 68 bones in her body. People with Willow's type of OI can break a bone by slipping on a fallen napkin, they can break a bone if the car stop too suddenly, or if they sneeze too hard. But Willow also has a great spirit. She knows how to read at a 6th grade level and can surf the web. She enjoys learning random facts that no one else knows.
Well, one day her mother decides that although she loves her daughter dearly and can't imagine life without her, she wants to sue her obstetrician, who also happens to be her best friend, for not telling her about Willow's disease sooner and thus giving her the option to abort the baby. The lawsuit that ensues tears apart Willow's family, and leads to many questions: How disabled is TOO disabled? And as a parent, how far would you go to take care of someone you love?
I really enjoyed reading this book, not only because it was written by Picoult but because the issues it addresses were interesting and so were the characters. The book is written from the points of view of four major characters and though Willow is the central character, we don't really hear her speak till the end of the story. The story line is compelling and it captivates the reader till the very last word.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
4th quarter book summary
The book I read was called “The Rise and Fall of Joey Massino”. Joey Massino was the leader the Bonanno's a mob family located in New York. He worked his way up from hijacking cars and taking orders from people to money laundering, order hits on people, and giving the orders instead of taking them. Massino became the mob leader shortly after Phillip Rastelli died in the late sixties. Massino had many undercover cops and friends who would soon betray him that worked under him and were suppose to be some of his closest associates. Even his own brother in law testified against him in court. It took a while for Massino to finally be caught on all his criminal actions, but in 2003 he was caught, convicted in 2004 of racketeering, extortion, loansharking, conspiracy, money laundering, arson, illegal gambling, and seven murders, and sentenced to two consecutive life terms in 2005. Massino avoided the death penalty by wearing a wire and talking to his associates as an undercover informant. This book was okay and sort of interesting, but at the same time it was long and also had its boring parts. The book consisted of numerous characters which made it harder to keep up with every thing since you had to remember all the hard pronouncing names of the victims, friends, and associates. I like this book due to it having more interesting parts then boring parts. I also disliked this booked because of all the people named in the book and the dialogue that you have to keep up with. Overall this is a good book and everything, but I wouldn't recommend it to any one unless they really enjoy mob books.
quarter 3 book summary
My book was about an abusive mother to her two children that later killed her because they couldn't take it any more. The main character is Jane and she has two kids by two different men. Her first son she treats like more of a mistake because she despised his father who committed suicide because she wouldn't give him the time of day any more because she no longer wanted to be with him. Jane's second son is treated much better then Jason her first son, but still isn't treated like a son should be treated. Mathew's father left Jane because he couldn't take her any more. He realized how much she hated her first son Jason, she would yell at him for the smallest things and sometimes just put him outside for hours at a time and he would sit out there until she was ready for him to come inside. Jose left her once for the way she treated there sons, but he eventually came back. He left once again after they had a big argument which she started waving knives at him which wasn't an unusual thing. Once she realized he wasn't coming back she called the cops on him saying he sexual assaulted her and that resulted in him spending 3 months in jail. He would have spent a longer sentence, but he got out on good behavior. Once he got out the next time he saw his sons again was on the news for a crime of killing there mother. After Jane's first husband death she moved because she didn't like her family much and just couldn't take them at all. As a kid you should play outside as much as you can and associate with people because its harder to do once you get older, but Jane allowed none of that as much as she could. Most of the time Jason and Matthew would go and play outside when there mother was gone, but would hurry back inside when they thought she was on her way back home. Matthew wanted to join a hockey team and his mother was resistant at first, but eventually she gave in and she joined. Matthew was a joy to the team and was probably one of the better players on the team. The team's coaches wanted phone numbers from each of the players parents for practice times and game times, but Jane gave them a new number almost every month because around this time she thought someone from the music industry was was after her and was out to get her for some strange reason, but she soon left the team. Matthew joined a different hockey team later and again he was a joy on the team, but once other parents and coaches tried to befriend his mother they realized they couldn't get threw to her at all. So Matthew was removed form the team, but a team dad which was a cop made sure he let Matthew know it was his mother's fault 100% that he couldn't stay on the team. Jason was nothing like Matthew and kept to him self whether it was at school or at home. Even when Jason would go to Matthews hockey game he wasn't doing much talking or watching, but homework or playing a held hand game. Jason was smart and only received nothing, but straight A's and it had to stay that way or else he would get beat. Being so smart and uptight made him a kid who wasn't so popular but he often talked about being other people superior which of course people took to offense. Being so smart Jason was allowed to skip the eleventh grade and graduate being at the edge of seventeen. He did this for the reason any one else would have had done at this point in his life and that was to get away form his crazy and abusing mother. Later in the years the boys had enough and in 2003 they took it to the max and let their mother know they weren't going to take any more from her so they killed her and cut off her head and hands so it would make it harder for the police to identify her. They got the idea off of the hit series The Sopranos.
Men, men, men men mainly men!!!!!
As many of you may know I got into a simple argument with Daniel Aisha(I-ee-sha) Briscoe the other day; it was about who wanted to read or something like that, the argument escalated and then she ended up blurting out a statement saying, "Men always have to think what they say is final and that they (men) have ultimate authority women." I agree with the statement that men always think they have authority over women because men are more powerful and more assertive than woman. For example in the argument that Daniel Aisha (I-ee-sha) Briscoe and i got in was because i asked her if she wanted to talk to the class about what we read and she replied i don't care, it doesn't matter who talks in the group. That made me assert myself into saying that i will talk to the class then. Which makes me to believe that men tend to assert themselves in situations while women like to sit on the sidelines.
4th Quarter Book Review
Bleachers by John Grisham is a book about grown men who look back at there high school football careers and revisit the memories because of the death of there legendary coach. During the revisiting of past memories i felted connected with the characters because i too am in the retired football faze of my life and its always interesting to see what people in the same boat have done. I felt really connected to a guy by the name of Neely Crenshaw who was the starting quarterback of a team that came short of the championship. He is the main character in the book and resembles my sistuation the most because we both play the same position and lost the championship game. I feel that this book is just a typical guy book about characters that are involved in sports and who have several baffling team stories thtat are scandalous and shocking. I recommend this book to mostly guys who are involved in sports because you read things that relate to you when it comes to remenissing about old games, players, and practices with you teammates.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Women Speak Up
“For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.”
Virginia Woolf
I found this quote on the Quotes of the day website that Ms. Fletcher posted. I really like the website because it has all these different interesting quotes. I think that most of them can start really interesting discussions. I wanted to share this quote because I think that it relates to what we’ve been talking about in class. I think that since women have always been the sensitive, polite, indirect, quiet gender that we’ve set that categorization for our selves. We always try to not hurt the feelings of others and so we come out as weak. Sometime sour opinions aren’t heard because of our insecurity. We became quiet to not appear as mean or arrogant every time we talked. That is why no one is used to hearing a woman speak with security and authority, and so when we do people act offended. We were always anonymous and now that we trey not to be anonymous anymore the opposite sex feel threatened.
Virginia Woolf
I found this quote on the Quotes of the day website that Ms. Fletcher posted. I really like the website because it has all these different interesting quotes. I think that most of them can start really interesting discussions. I wanted to share this quote because I think that it relates to what we’ve been talking about in class. I think that since women have always been the sensitive, polite, indirect, quiet gender that we’ve set that categorization for our selves. We always try to not hurt the feelings of others and so we come out as weak. Sometime sour opinions aren’t heard because of our insecurity. We became quiet to not appear as mean or arrogant every time we talked. That is why no one is used to hearing a woman speak with security and authority, and so when we do people act offended. We were always anonymous and now that we trey not to be anonymous anymore the opposite sex feel threatened.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
4th Quarter Book Rev. TUESDAY'S WITH MORRIE
If you want to read a truly touching book, then I suggest you read the book Tuesday's With Morrie. As I was looking at the front and the back of the book, I kept reading about how this book can "change your perspective on life" and truly "touch your heart". At first before I cracked open the book I was thinking, yeah, okay this book is really going to get to me THAT much. After reading the first couple of chapters, I could not set the book down whatsoever. It grasped my attention right away. I liked how instantly the book just took flight with the story. Mitch, the narrator of the story, really made me feel as if I was there with him and experiencing all the talks he had with his professor, Morrie.
In Tuesday's With Morrie, Mitch Albom writes from a present perspective while referring to past at some instances, telling the heart-warming story of his professor and him. Mitch talks about how they first met, the beginnings of their one-on-one "classes" which were really just deep intimate talks they would have together. The story truly begins when Mitch, in his thirties now, married, and carrying the job of a writer, particularly writing about sports, is sitting at home one day on the couch and sees his old professor on the t.v. having an interview with a famous newscaster. He looks old, tired, and sick. And he is sick. He had a serious disease in which his muscles were becoming less and less functioning every day. After Mitch sees this old man who was such an important part of his life for so much of his life, he decided he needed to get a hold of Morrie.
When he did, at first it felt awakward. Trying to get back into the swing of things, having a regular conversation. And before they knew it, it was as if no time had come inbetween them at all. It was like they were back "in class" again. Since Mitch lived in Michigan and Morrie lived in Massachsettes, Mitch would fly out and see him every weekend. Every trip began becoming more and more difficult. Mitch was watching his friend, his teacher, his good company for so many years, literally deteriorate with every visit. But with every visit brought a new lesson to be learned for Mitch. They talked about every thing imaginable to talk about. Life, death, love, shame, hope, dreams, marriage, and so much more. Mitch even brought his wife once to visit, and she was immensely touched by Morrie, as he was by her. And throughout all this learning, he compiled this book. Morrie was interviewed two more times before he died. The whole country feel absolutely in love with him, and he received a numerous amount of letters from his viewers about how much he inspired them. Mitch's last time with Morrie was memorable and the way it was suppose to be. A simple talk, and a sweet good-bye. Mitch was not in Massachusettes when Morrie died. But he was happy to know that Morrie passed the way he wanted to, which was peacefully.
This book was amazing. The lessons in which Mitch learns, the reader does too. I found myself getting teary eyed a lot of the times. That is how emotional this book is. You can really sense that Mitch put his all into his book that reflects on his amazing life experiences with Morrie. There are no words to describe how wonderful this book is, you need to read it your self. You will instantly fall in love with the story, and will want to learn each life lesson that is in the next chapter.
In Tuesday's With Morrie, Mitch Albom writes from a present perspective while referring to past at some instances, telling the heart-warming story of his professor and him. Mitch talks about how they first met, the beginnings of their one-on-one "classes" which were really just deep intimate talks they would have together. The story truly begins when Mitch, in his thirties now, married, and carrying the job of a writer, particularly writing about sports, is sitting at home one day on the couch and sees his old professor on the t.v. having an interview with a famous newscaster. He looks old, tired, and sick. And he is sick. He had a serious disease in which his muscles were becoming less and less functioning every day. After Mitch sees this old man who was such an important part of his life for so much of his life, he decided he needed to get a hold of Morrie.
When he did, at first it felt awakward. Trying to get back into the swing of things, having a regular conversation. And before they knew it, it was as if no time had come inbetween them at all. It was like they were back "in class" again. Since Mitch lived in Michigan and Morrie lived in Massachsettes, Mitch would fly out and see him every weekend. Every trip began becoming more and more difficult. Mitch was watching his friend, his teacher, his good company for so many years, literally deteriorate with every visit. But with every visit brought a new lesson to be learned for Mitch. They talked about every thing imaginable to talk about. Life, death, love, shame, hope, dreams, marriage, and so much more. Mitch even brought his wife once to visit, and she was immensely touched by Morrie, as he was by her. And throughout all this learning, he compiled this book. Morrie was interviewed two more times before he died. The whole country feel absolutely in love with him, and he received a numerous amount of letters from his viewers about how much he inspired them. Mitch's last time with Morrie was memorable and the way it was suppose to be. A simple talk, and a sweet good-bye. Mitch was not in Massachusettes when Morrie died. But he was happy to know that Morrie passed the way he wanted to, which was peacefully.
This book was amazing. The lessons in which Mitch learns, the reader does too. I found myself getting teary eyed a lot of the times. That is how emotional this book is. You can really sense that Mitch put his all into his book that reflects on his amazing life experiences with Morrie. There are no words to describe how wonderful this book is, you need to read it your self. You will instantly fall in love with the story, and will want to learn each life lesson that is in the next chapter.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
4th quarter book review

So this is the book that I have been reading for sooo long. Well the story is that I have been so busy with prom, work, and home life that I almost completely neglected reading, but I love to read =( So the other night I pulled this book back out, and I just had to finish it because it had been sitting in my book case for the longest time half read. The ending shocked me like no other. So I left off with this guy being in jail for faking his death and stilling 91 million dollars from his law firm. Well at the end of the book he walked away a free man! Ok so this dude was living in another country when he was caught, and he had a whole new identity. He also had a beautiful lady who acted as his wife. This guy had enough evidence to prove that the guys that he stole the money from were the true criminals, so they were arrested. When he faked his death he obviously had to use another body, but it turned out that he didn't kill anyone. The guy was already dead! They couldn't charge him with tampering with a grave because he stole the body before they buried the corpse. He paid his wife off so that she wouldn't sue him for lying and leaving her. He also paid the family of the dead guy off. They couldn't charge him for stilling the money because it was a federal matter that was being handled, and had been handled else where. So all they could charge him for was multilating a corpse. crazy right! he walked away with soooooo much money because he planned to be caught. He gave leads to the dudes that were looking for him. Whenever he gave them a lead he got money, so in total he made about 15 million off them plus the interest he gained for housing all that previous cash in the banks. Once he was free, he and his girlfriend arranged to meet. She never showed up! She disappeared, and she was taught how to hide and run by him. She will never be caught unless she wants to be. He doesn't know where his money is because she had control of it all, so now he's BROKE! HAHAHAH
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It amazes me how pictures can bring such an incredible message with out words just by looking at an image we can visualize the story behind it. Capturing an image that will impact people’s minds must be hard, that’s why I admire photographers. The black and white images that are illustrated in The Sun magazine are incredible. Every picture has its own story, and we can all relate to them in one way or another. If you go to thesunmagazine.org, you can see all the different photographs that have been on the front covers of different issues from 1974 to 2009. I don’t know I just all the photos, so I’m really enjoying the 100 word story assignment. ☺
Monday, May 18, 2009
A Scanner Darkly.
I like to read Philip K. Dick's science fiction novels. He's pretty good at creating a likely future and going off from that. I read the graphic novel A Scanner Darkly 180 pages based on one of Dick's works. It was my first time reading a graphic novel; not to be mistaken for a comic book. I thought it was going to explain itself in due time, it didn't. I was lost. So I think maybe one has to compliment the real novel with the graphic one. I'm not too sure. The book has mild adult-content.
I think it's about getting rid of a drug called Substance D. The main character Robert Actor is an undercover cop that needs to catch dealers; it just so happens, though, that he's a user too. I get lost when I read it. I don't recommend it.
I think it's about getting rid of a drug called Substance D. The main character Robert Actor is an undercover cop that needs to catch dealers; it just so happens, though, that he's a user too. I get lost when I read it. I don't recommend it.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
B00gi3's into the wild
Lol yeah i know im late!!! But better late then never!Any ways i think Chris McCandless was smart guy. He was well aware with what he was doing and im sure he went out the way he would of wanted to go. Into the wild, doing what he loved. It was bound to happen on how he died the way he went out to alaska with out the right neccesities. But i think his life was an adventure waiting to get spread, and who dosent like adventure? Adrenaline pumpin through your veins, the thought that you could die any minute just makes life more interesting and exciting, but in his case umfortunately dead... Chris McCandless was too smart for his own good, and that cost him his life...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
BELL HOOKS - friend or foe?
In the essay we read by bell hooks on childhood love lessons, hooks makes several claims about child abuse. She has very good points, i must say, but not everyone agrees with her. I saw other posts about her that were not so positive, one person said that hooks didnt know what she was talking about because she, herself, is not a mother and another claimed that hooks' essay made her want to 'pull her hair out' . While that is all good and well, i think that hooks does know what she's talking about. It doesnt take being a mother to know what is right and what is wrong. That may be me just talking because i am strongly against hitting or parents hitting their children as discipline. I think that can be an example of how it doesnt matter who you are or how your parents disciplined you for you to be against violent discipline. As a child i was spanked many times and here i am today very against it. Hooks may have rubbed people the wrong way with her essay partly because she is not a mother herself and can be deemed as 'unqualified' to make these types of statements, but all i can say to that is WHO CARES??? Okay, so she may not understand how it feels to be a parent but i dont think she's trying to come off as 'oh, i'm not a parent, but let me tell you how to raise and discipline your children.' I dont think she's trying to say that at all. To me it seems like she's trying to tell parents, or to get people to understand that violence isnt okay. She's coming at this from a logical point of view. Not once in her essay did she say that she wasnt a mother so it shouldnt come into play while discussing it. You can speak your opinion on anything without having to go through it yourself. Like i can say jail is a horrible place but i havent ever been there.. that may not have been the best example, but hopefully you get my point.
Basically what i am trying to say is that there is no need to be angry at what bell hooks wrote. I think people need to sit down and realize that everyone has an opinion and are free to voice it. I cant even describe how angry it makes me to hear people argue about people speaking their mind. Theres no way you can change someones mind once they've made it up and i dont see the point in trying. It all comes down to difference of opinion and some people dont know how to respect that.
Basically what i am trying to say is that there is no need to be angry at what bell hooks wrote. I think people need to sit down and realize that everyone has an opinion and are free to voice it. I cant even describe how angry it makes me to hear people argue about people speaking their mind. Theres no way you can change someones mind once they've made it up and i dont see the point in trying. It all comes down to difference of opinion and some people dont know how to respect that.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Loop de looping.
Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that I enjoyed looping today. For those who don't know what looping is it's an eight minute quick write about a topic. Then you pick a favorite or moving sentence out of what you wrote and start writing again by beginning with the topic of the sentence you picked.
For example: Today's looping topic was "rebellion." So I wrote and picked a sentence I liked and started talking about rules. Picked another sentence and started talking about money. It goes on and on and on and before you know it the bell rings for the next class.
Basically writing can take you anywhere in your mind. I like the fact that we can just write whatever we want (be appropiate on what you write about) without being hesitant about a specific topic. Maybe it's because I like to write (hence why i have a blog), but it's good because loop writing expresses our minds through pen or pencil and paper. I think that's what we all really need. To express how and what we feel about a topic in any way possible.
Also, don't forget to bring your SSR books tomorrow since Ms. Fletcher won't be here. Bye everyone! Enjoy the rest of your day.(:
For example: Today's looping topic was "rebellion." So I wrote and picked a sentence I liked and started talking about rules. Picked another sentence and started talking about money. It goes on and on and on and before you know it the bell rings for the next class.
Basically writing can take you anywhere in your mind. I like the fact that we can just write whatever we want (be appropiate on what you write about) without being hesitant about a specific topic. Maybe it's because I like to write (hence why i have a blog), but it's good because loop writing expresses our minds through pen or pencil and paper. I think that's what we all really need. To express how and what we feel about a topic in any way possible.
Also, don't forget to bring your SSR books tomorrow since Ms. Fletcher won't be here. Bye everyone! Enjoy the rest of your day.(:
I didn’t like the way Bell Hooks used the word abuse, but I came to realize that she was right when she stated that if we saw some one pinching a kid it wouldn’t bother us at all but if we saw a man pinching a woman like that we’d think he’s abusive. I agree with her on that, but I still think that they are way different situations because as adults you can reason with one another , but with a kid they really don’t understand with words until they get older, that’s why parents stop spanking us as we grow up. Bell Hooks said how being hit as a child can affect the way you act as an adult, but I think that it’s not the hitting but the way you were hit that affects you. A spank wouldn’t make someone become violent, but a punch on the face would. I don’t know that’s just what I think…
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Bell Hooks Makes Me Want to Jump Up and Down and Pull Out My Hair!
As I read this essay, I became more and more upset with Bell Hooks. She's not a mother, so how does she know any of this? Has she ever been to that breaking point that children love to drive adults to? Has she ever been to that point where you have thought about drinking gasoline and having a smoke? I think not. (By the way, my mom told me that sometimes that what's she thought of when she babysat a dozen kids) I think personally she must have ran out of ideas to write on, because no smart person would write on a topic that they personally have no experience with.
Which brings me to my next point- what should parents do instead of hit their kids? You cannot reason with a six-year-old, don't even try to tell me that. Should we ignore their bad behavior? It works with marine mammals, except for the fact that they are trained to know that if they are being ignored, they are doing something wrong. She offers virtually no help in these department. You can't condone something and not give an alternative.
Has anyone ever had their parents hit them and say "I'm doing this because I love you?" I sure as heck haven't. My parents hit me to create a sort of disapline that little kids are missing. I knew my parents loved and still love me, but that's not why they hit me and still do.
I see nothing wrong with using hitting as a just punishment. I understand if you are being abused or something, but when a little kid is acting up, what is a stressed-to-the-max parent suppose to do?
By the way, I plan on never having children. EVER.
Which brings me to my next point- what should parents do instead of hit their kids? You cannot reason with a six-year-old, don't even try to tell me that. Should we ignore their bad behavior? It works with marine mammals, except for the fact that they are trained to know that if they are being ignored, they are doing something wrong. She offers virtually no help in these department. You can't condone something and not give an alternative.
Has anyone ever had their parents hit them and say "I'm doing this because I love you?" I sure as heck haven't. My parents hit me to create a sort of disapline that little kids are missing. I knew my parents loved and still love me, but that's not why they hit me and still do.
I see nothing wrong with using hitting as a just punishment. I understand if you are being abused or something, but when a little kid is acting up, what is a stressed-to-the-max parent suppose to do?
By the way, I plan on never having children. EVER.
Cry Cry Baby
Hmmm... I really don't know how to explain exactly what I think when it comes to spanking children. I was spanked when I was a kid and I learned right and wrong real quick. Everyone is different though. Some kids who were spanked turn out to be crazy people who beat everyone and anything. Other people go all emo and hate life as they know it. Then there are some like myself who moved on and learned lessons in our lives.
I'm not saying I promoted making your child bleed when you are done spanking them. That would be extreme. Can you imagine forgetting to do the dishes and getting beaten because of it? Guess you would learn to do the dishes, right? All I know is that when I was a kid and I did something to get spanked, I never did that thing again. I think because children don"t have the mental capacity to understand reasoning with words, using some physical force is the way to teach. In the book Brave New World when they brain wash the babies to not like books or anything else that the world doesn't approve of, they used electric shocks.
Honestly, fear and pain register better then any other emotion in our memory in my opinion. Yes you can recall when you were happy but if someone asked you what your most vivid emotional memory was, I think you would recall a painful one but not admit it out loud. That's what I think anyways.
Well I must sign off now my beloved senior homies =) bye bye
I'm not saying I promoted making your child bleed when you are done spanking them. That would be extreme. Can you imagine forgetting to do the dishes and getting beaten because of it? Guess you would learn to do the dishes, right? All I know is that when I was a kid and I did something to get spanked, I never did that thing again. I think because children don"t have the mental capacity to understand reasoning with words, using some physical force is the way to teach. In the book Brave New World when they brain wash the babies to not like books or anything else that the world doesn't approve of, they used electric shocks.
Honestly, fear and pain register better then any other emotion in our memory in my opinion. Yes you can recall when you were happy but if someone asked you what your most vivid emotional memory was, I think you would recall a painful one but not admit it out loud. That's what I think anyways.
Well I must sign off now my beloved senior homies =) bye bye
SSR book review in progress
Hello all my lovely classmates and Ms. Fletcher. The weather outside is quite lovely and I do hope you are all enjoying it. I know we all need to write our book reviews but I haven't finished my book yet- Hello it is prom season and I have been going crazy with planning all the details to the momentous occasion- but I am reading when I can =)
My book is The Fortune Quilt by Lani Diane Rich. The cover has a quilt on it with a frog with a crown lying underneath. I tried to figure out how this will play into the book once I really get into it. The main character's name is Carly McKay. Carly grew up with her two younger sisters and her father. Her mother split when she was 12 and she basically raised her sisters because her father was in such a shock after her mother left.
Carly works as a film editor and semi-reporter for the local news station. Her best friend is a guy named Christopher- she later finds out that Christopher has been in love with her since college and he wants to be with with her but that happens in the middle of a huge mess- and he works with her at the station. They do this story on a psychic named Brandywine Seaver. Brandy makes quilts without knowing who their for or what their purpose will be. Once Carly is done interviewing her, Brandy realizes that she made a quilt just for Carly...12 years before Carly arrived at her doorstep. Brandy gives a reading telling Carly out there things. As it turns out, Brandy is spot on.
Carly gets laid off from her job because the station owner bailed and took the money with him, Christopher tells Carly how he's in love with her and gives her a book that was once Carly's in college but someone sold it, and to top it all off Carly's mother, Mary, returns to her and her family's life after 17 years. Carly's head is in a whirlwind and he moved out. Now she is unemployed, homeless, and blaming all of her fortunes on the "EVIL QUILT" that Brandy made for her.
That is as far as I have got. Sounds pretty interesting though, doesn't it?
have a happy happy rest of your day =*)
My book is The Fortune Quilt by Lani Diane Rich. The cover has a quilt on it with a frog with a crown lying underneath. I tried to figure out how this will play into the book once I really get into it. The main character's name is Carly McKay. Carly grew up with her two younger sisters and her father. Her mother split when she was 12 and she basically raised her sisters because her father was in such a shock after her mother left.
Carly works as a film editor and semi-reporter for the local news station. Her best friend is a guy named Christopher- she later finds out that Christopher has been in love with her since college and he wants to be with with her but that happens in the middle of a huge mess- and he works with her at the station. They do this story on a psychic named Brandywine Seaver. Brandy makes quilts without knowing who their for or what their purpose will be. Once Carly is done interviewing her, Brandy realizes that she made a quilt just for Carly...12 years before Carly arrived at her doorstep. Brandy gives a reading telling Carly out there things. As it turns out, Brandy is spot on.
Carly gets laid off from her job because the station owner bailed and took the money with him, Christopher tells Carly how he's in love with her and gives her a book that was once Carly's in college but someone sold it, and to top it all off Carly's mother, Mary, returns to her and her family's life after 17 years. Carly's head is in a whirlwind and he moved out. Now she is unemployed, homeless, and blaming all of her fortunes on the "EVIL QUILT" that Brandy made for her.
That is as far as I have got. Sounds pretty interesting though, doesn't it?
have a happy happy rest of your day =*)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Clasp = Soo True
We all shared that moment with our parents. That split second in time that our every step wasn't given praise or cheer, the time when when our seemingly sense of immortality was stripped from us without us even knowing are parents had limits.Of course I can't remember the first time I met with the clasp, but I can remember the profound impact it would have on me for about twenty to thirty minutes; I would be completely devastated.
"What could I have done?" I, the one who's pictures cover the walls from hall ways to the living room, how could I upset anyone. Yet behind the tight clasp on my shoulder were the frustrated, disgusted eyes of my father. I knew those eyes in many different ways more pleasant then what glared at me, but I learned that there was a line that should not be crossed. In moments like those I cried horribly as expected but I learned discipline and self- control. Sharon Olds brought back memories of my times of youth and immaturity, not only that, but the ice cream that was bought to make me feel better.
"What could I have done?" I, the one who's pictures cover the walls from hall ways to the living room, how could I upset anyone. Yet behind the tight clasp on my shoulder were the frustrated, disgusted eyes of my father. I knew those eyes in many different ways more pleasant then what glared at me, but I learned that there was a line that should not be crossed. In moments like those I cried horribly as expected but I learned discipline and self- control. Sharon Olds brought back memories of my times of youth and immaturity, not only that, but the ice cream that was bought to make me feel better.
I know into the wild is over, but i just want to know who feels that Chris McCandless got what he was looking for. I know he traveled ever where that he wanted to including Alaska and he also met people that he would never forget about if he was alive till this day. Do you feel that because McCandless died on his Great Alaska Adventure that he had achieved everything he wanted and was looking for in life up to that moment?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
SSR: I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell
At one point in everyone's life there is at least one book that makes you stop, put the book down, and say the name of your favorite deity and your favorite curse word in awe. I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell is one of those books. At first glance of the cover at your local book store, the blasphemous words, "Oh great, another stupid potty humor book." may come out of your mouth. You may even look down upon the book in shame because of its "tasteless" nature. To place the book in your hands is to give your hands a fondle of the book that will make you laugh, cry, repulsed and laugh all over again at the book that is leading the charge of the "Frat-ire" genre.
Tucker Max is an arrogant jerk with no regard for anyone's feelings, and proud of it. Fornicating with numbers of women that borderlines on dangerous-somewhere in the low triple digits. He gets ridiculously drunk with his college friends and will break things, or vomit or urinate on them. I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell is an account of the finer points of all of those things in his life with each chapter detailing one of those stories and it's not a stereotypical "Oh I learned from my mistakes and I won't do it again" stories, although he will admit that some of the outrageous things he did pushed even his limits, you never get the actual sense of regret, occasional shame? yes. But not regret.
The first chapter entitled "The Sushi Pants Story" begins with Tucker telling the reader about how he has purchased a portable breathalyzer and his goals to blow a .20 BAC with said item and parade it around the Sushi place. The chapter is told with time stamps at each pivotal point which breaks a lot of the rules our English teachers have told us about how to correctly write a story. There are other means of getting the story across in this book as well, be it with the time stamps, a series of bullets in the event a series of events cannot exactly be put in order, a diagram, and even a Pro and Con chart. Tucker Max tells the story as if you are talking to him over a beer or two with profanity to emphasize and all.
Tucker Max's friends that partake in the chaos are easy to relate to as well, and if you think about them, you either know someone like them or that someone may just turn out to be you. There are friends who are emotionally incapable of holding a relationship because of a grudge against the opposite sex because of trauma of a previous relationship, those who are in a stable relationship and want a future, those who go on drink and destroy missions, and others who are just out to sleep with as many women as they can.
All in all, the book is a nice change of pace from the stereotype "I learned my lesson". Overall the writing was good and Tucker Max came off as a friend that was telling you some insane debacle that occurred the night before when you decided to 'stay home and rest'. I would definitely recommend the book anyone except to those who are offended by glorification of outlandish behavior, the occasional sexist or common crude comment.
It's a blog about college, it's really helpful. I mean it might be a little too late..but it talks about how you should choose between colleges and offers statistics and other websites to help ease the stress of applications.
Other things it's not too late for is a huge list of "dorm essentials" if anybody is planning on going in a dorm. I didn't see it in the first two pages but if you look up dorm list on google, one of the first links head you to this site.
It's such a neat website, and it feels as though it's geared towards seniors! There are other frivilous things as well, apparently this blogger plays Left 4 Dead, but I'm positive most of his posts are helpful.
Thanks for listening...
P.S. how are we suppose to get our comment requirements down when nobody is posting?!
and why does nobody answer my questions? D:
hahahahhaa, don't answer that one!
Other things it's not too late for is a huge list of "dorm essentials" if anybody is planning on going in a dorm. I didn't see it in the first two pages but if you look up dorm list on google, one of the first links head you to this site.
It's such a neat website, and it feels as though it's geared towards seniors! There are other frivilous things as well, apparently this blogger plays Left 4 Dead, but I'm positive most of his posts are helpful.
Thanks for listening...
P.S. how are we suppose to get our comment requirements down when nobody is posting?!
and why does nobody answer my questions? D:
hahahahhaa, don't answer that one!
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