I agree with Jeremy, I don't believe that Chris McCandless was crazy, he just wanted out.
Many of us lead the same boring lives, do the same exact thing everyday, to make our parents happy. We do it because we want an education, to get a job, have a family, etc.
Some of us don't want that, they want excitement, thrill, adventure, and a sense of being.
I believe that Chris did just that, he went into the wild to find himself, to live a life that would make him happy, nobody else; he wanted his life to himself.
I think that because our generation is so technology dependent, we wouldn't dream of going "into the wild" and living that way. I know I couldn't but that's because of the way i was raised, I love showers, i hate dirt, etc.
When we watched the movie and he picked up the dirty hat he found on the ground, and wore it, i shuddered and shook my head in disapproval; I couldn't do it, but more props for him for doing it.
We are to quick to judge Chris, just because we couldn't do it, doesn't mean Chris was crazy for doing it.
Yes, he made mistakes, but at least he tried to live his life the way he wanted to.
McCandless did something none of us would dare try, and just because he died doesn’t mean we should just call him stupid and move on. His journey is the message, not the end result.
I could see myself doing what Chris did. I don't think I would ever actually do such a thing, but hey-- if you had nothing to lose that you didn't want lost in the first place, wouldn't you follow in his footsteps?
I agree with Sarah. From reading the book I have thought of Chris as being crazy for abandoning all of his possessions, but I can't judge him. Chris made a decision to live his life the way he wanted to. While he was living for and pleasing his parents he wasn't satisfied with himself. He wanted to live a life that didn't required material things. Being Into the Wild is the life that Chris desired.
I never thought about McCandless this way. This makes me appreciate the book a little more, because I honestly do not care for it. I respect McCandless a little more now because I understand that sometimes people just want out. I think everyone can relate to that. There would be something so pure and beautiful about being in the wild. However, I cannot imagine putting my life at risk or doing it for as long as McCandless did.
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