Monday, April 6, 2009

The OWL website- my favorite part of it!

The Owl website is like one I've never seen before. As I was looking through all of its' content (there is almost an overwhelming amount of it!), I came across "Writer's Block/ Writer's Anxiety" under The Writing Process under Navigation. This caught my attention immediately because this is a topic I can relate to. When I was about to open it, I was thinking to myself there would probably only be a little information, and probably something that would make me feel even less hopeful about getting writer's anxiety from time to time. Instead, when I the page popped up I was more than pleasantly surprised. There were six different "symptoms" and "possible cures" for writer's block/anxiety. And they are extremely helpful! I am definitely going to be referring to this website when I am in need of some writing advice and tips!

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