The book that I read third quarter was called White Oleander by Janet Fitch. It’s a about a young girl named Astrid who faces many challenges at a young age. She has to grow up faster than most people her age in order to survive. It starts off with her being a kid living in Hollywood, California. Her mom was a single parent. Astrid wanted to know who her father was but Ingrid (mom) didn’t want to tell her. She left Astrid’s dad (Klaus) before she was able to remember him. Ingrid was a poet who used her words and thoughts to kind of “trap” people. She was very beautiful and many men were attracted to her but she never really paid attention to them. She got what she wanted. If she wanted want a man, she was going to get him. Ingrid was never the one to let love take control of her; it was one of her rules. She met a man who really liked her but she didn’t like him. She liked the fact that he was chasing her and when he stopped, she wasn’t too happy. She started stalking him and she finally figured out that he was talking to other women. She felt that if she couldn’t have him, no one else could. She murdered him and was sentenced to life in prison. While all of this was happening Astrid felt invincible. She started learning how to fend for herself to keep her mom from yelling at her. Astrid goes from foster home to foster home. None were good to her. She finally went to live with a foster family who she really cared about. She felt that her foster mother, Claire, was her new mom. Something tragically happens and Astrid has to move to another foster home. It seemed like every time she got use to someone, it was snatched right up under her. At the age of 20, she starts to accept what happened to her in her lifetime. She felt as though it made her stronger and she lived her life as she wanted.
I really liked this book. I liked the fact that she had to learn how to survive at a young age. She later on in life started to realize that the past is the past and she was grateful because she was a stronger woman because of it. There is a movie on this book and I plan on watching it soon.
I really liked this book. I liked the fact that she had to learn how to survive at a young age. She later on in life started to realize that the past is the past and she was grateful because she was a stronger woman because of it. There is a movie on this book and I plan on watching it soon.
This books seems like something I would like to read sometime in the future. I like dramatic books with many obstacles and heart ache, it makes it really interesting. Thanks for bringing this to my attention =]
That book sounds really good. I actually saw the movie a couple of years ago, and I really enjoyed it. I planned on reading the book, but I never got around to it. But yea that lady was siko, and I felt really bad for her kid. That's life though.
Your book sounds really interesting. It seems like it could really happen in real life. Reading your summary makes me wonder what she was thinking in detail, makes my want to read some of her poetry.
Michelle Herrera
I've heard good things about the book, and by your description, it sounds very interesting. I dont know if i want to read it now though, because by the description, i already know how it ends, but i could be wrong, if it gets even more intense than what you have written, i think i will love it.
Im really interested in this book and it makes me want to learn more about this girl and what was going through her head. I really think i might read this.
This book sound really interesting. I don't really read much but when I do, these are typically the type of books that I read. I am interested in reading this book.
& i would be now if you didn't give it to ASHLEY!!!
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