Monday, April 6, 2009


chriss a crazzy boy who left eveerything behind to go live in the wild. i think nowadays people whould be like hey hey boy youre not for reals. i think if he hadnt left ot alaska  he would have led a sad life and the boy all those people met and fell in love with wouldnt have exsisted. he would be behing a law desk somewhere suffering a life he didnt want to live. Chris doing what he wanted changed many peoples lives and is a role model for people who want to fight for the life they want to live.

1 comment:

Danielle Briscoe said...

that is so true.. he impacted so many peoples lives. i think that if i would have met him and heard his story i would be inspired to set higher goals and dream bigger. that was an outlandish crazy dream to go rough it in alaska but it gives others motivation that they can work for and strive for outlandish dreams. it is a little childish but werent we al happier as children?? we were carefree and the world was limitless. maybe if more adults viewed the world throug a childs eyes there wouldnt be so much unhappiness.