Into the Wild makes me surprisingly angry.I have a lot of mixed emotions about McCandless and I honestly just started getting into the book and I am already on chapter 14.I understand that McCandless wanted out, and he wanted to find truth. Everyone can relate to that. I do understand why McCandless wanted to leave. He felt betrayed by the people he loved. However, I think the way he did it cannot be respected. I think that it is possible to leave your life, and venture into a new one, one that makes you happier, but there are ways to do it
without abandoning those you love. He hurt so many people around him, people who have been there for
him since he was born, or people he met along his journey. I cannot imagine someone I love just abandoning me like that, without warning. McCandless could have made an effort to stay in touch with his family.
I really feel for his sister because they were closer to each other than anyone else. They shared a troubled childhood and their relationship grew because of that. If my brother were to leave as McCandless did, I would be heartbroken and empty, especially if his choices led to his death. Chris' decision to leave makes me think of him as really selfish because I'm sure his sister felt the same way about their family and shared his pain, and he left her alone on top of all that.
Its like McCandless knew he was going to die. He stopped communication with Jan and Bob, and told them he would not write again. He even admitted that the adventure could be fatal. This brings up the question of his death: Suicide or Tragic Accident? I do not believe he was suicidal, but I do believe his decisions were irrational,
and not well thought out. I don't think he had to end up dead. He came from a privileged family, he had a lot of education, and he did have a lot of money until he donated it and burned it. His long time plans were not well thought out at all, and it frustrates me because he has been set high on this pedestal when he could have completely ended up a different way.
I find the movie to be a lot more captivating than the book. Don't get me wrong, I love reading, but this book does not get me hooked. Maybe it is Krakauer's style of writing I cannot get attached to, but the movie to me is a lot more touching. The movie shows a lot more emotion so I find myself really emotionally connected to McCandless in the movie rather than inthe book. I respect and appreciate him more in the movie, and Emile Hirsch did a really nice job with portraying the emotions Chris went through.
McCandless had to be a really special person to impact people the way he had. He met people along his journey and some of those people were really touched by him and hurt by his death. It saddens me that he was apparently an amazing person, and was taken too early. But maybe that is why he had such an impact the way he did. If he lived through his journey would he still be as powerful as he is today?
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7 minutes ago
I am as understanding as you are when it comes to McCandless, that is, until you get into hurting others. I believe he hurt so many people because he did not truly trust them. He may have been able to connect with people but from his point of view, I believe, he never felt a true relationship because of what he experienced with his dad.
I do feel bad for all the people he hurt and left behind but I can understand. He was still young and still look out for nĂºmero uno. I believe that everyone will hurt someone else because they have been hurt themselves; McCandless went past his quota.
I see your point. That is true, a lot of people can't fully trust those around them when they've been hurt. I never really considered that viewpoint, but it makes perfect sense. :)
This book also makes me a bit frustrated with the way that McCandless ahd treated his family. Hurting people was not necessary and to purposeyl hurt his parents the way he did was immature. I too understand why McCandless left he wanted to get away, the part about abandoning his sister thoug I don't quite get. His sister had mentioned that she understood why he didn't write her, I don't think she felt abandoned by Chris I think she was just hurt that he died. They were extremely close and i think thats why she understood what he did so much. i also don't think that McCandless was suicidal I just think he didn't make very good decisions. And I don't think that he would be this powerful if he had lived because no one really would have paid any attention to the full story.
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