Sunday, April 5, 2009

the restraruant at the end of the universe

This book was a recommended to me by La Fletcha during SSR one Monday. It's a pretty intense book in the sense that it looks to how the future is going to be like and all the fancy warp drives on space ships. And how it also looks to the past with the help of time travel and how human beings as a species ended up on planet Earth. Once you get passed all the physics, well once you learn to digest the physics and the concepts that Douglas Adams who is the author by the way tries to put in your head and you pretend it is fact, it's a surprisingly interesting book to read if you are into the Star Wars thing. This book is actually a sequel to the book The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy which I only read half way, because I couldn't find it in Ms. Fletcher's book shelf. Well, this book is centered around Zahod Beedledrox I am going to use the abbreviation Z.B. for his name because his name is going to pop up a lot on this post. Well, Z.B. is the president of the whole universe, it is a pretty high up job you might think. But in reality he is only a figure head he is meant to distract the universes' attention. From who or what you are thinking well the answer is from who really calls the shots in the universe who really has the power. I just cant help to think of our own government, is the president really in charge or are there people in the shadows that wield the true power, like secret brotherhoods.
Well back to book review, Z.B. is some carbon based life form that has two heads and i s roughly about eight hundred years old he has been to jail many occasions and is downright scum. he is arrogant, brash, handsome, and outgoing. And above all he loves attention, which made him the perfect candidate to be president of the universe. let me give you a little history lesson of what happened in the other book the Earth was obliterated by the Vogons to make room for a hyperspace highway. And the Earth was actually a huge super computer, built by super intelligent life forms to calcualte the question to the answer 47, which another supercomputer came up with as the answer of the great question, Why does life exist? Z.B. is being lead by his great great great great great grandfather who is a ghost, yes a ghost a very powerful ghost, a ghost who can travel through time. Z.B. is being hunted by the intergalactic police because he stole a ship which has the golden heart drive(makes hyperspace highway obsolete). Z.B. is caught and taken to planet R325 where a torure machine awaits, it shows you how insignificantly small you are compared to the universe this cause mental breakdown. Luckily for Z.B. he went out of the window of the building so he was still in made up Universe of the author of the hitch hickers guide to the universe. Correct some guy made another universe. I will stop hear i dont want to ruin too much of the book, you have to read it on your own.

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