This book is about a guy who lost his way and destroyed relationships with the people closest to him. It is also about him discovering the kind of person that his mother truly was and the things that she sacrificed for his benefit. He goes on a trip with her and learns what really went on during his childhood and what her intentions were when she was raising him. He learns things that would have changed his life and the kind of person he would become and could have salvaged his relationship with his wife and daughter. The weird thing is that he took this trip with his mother long after she passed away. He didn't know whether he was dreaming, if he was dead, or if he was seeing a ghost but what he did know is that he had a chance to be with his mother for one more day and he was going to make the most of it.
I really liked this book alot. I finished it in like a day or two because i just could not put it down. It was a great story with surprsing twists. Some parts of the book made me kind of sad but i loved it anyway. This is the kind of book that will inspire you to spend more time with the people that you love and show that you truly appreciate them. It makes you feel greatful feel greatful for your family and helps you focus in on the important things in life.
I also love Mitch Album. He is a great author and told this story beautifully and he also wrote the best selling book, The Five People You Meet In Heaven. I read that book too and I really enjoyed that one as well.
This story is told very well and it is not predictable. Album really makes the readers get in to the story. It is told so descriptively that i can imagine the facial expressions that the characters had at certain moments or the way he described a neighborhood so well it is almost like a movie. I passed this book on to a few of my friends and they enjoyed it just as much as i did. My favorite thing about it was that it really showed the love that a mother has for her children. Even though sometimes kids don't really understand the things that their parents do, they always have the kid's best interest at heart and that fact is highlighted in this book.
While reading this book i felt a series of different emotions. I was happy, sad, angry, disappointed, and much more. I felt the same emotions that the characters in the book were feeling because i was just that wrapped up in the story. I know that may sound a little weird but this book was just that good. I do not know how else to describe it. I loved every word. It is definitely one of my favorites.
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i LOVE For One More Day
and anything by Mitch Album in general.
His books are short and small enough to carry around, but they run pretty deep :)
Sounds like an interesting story. I've yet to read any of Mitch Albom's novels, maybe I should get started on that. I have so many books to read hahaha.
Wow Amari, you really made this book sound interesting. You gave just enough information and positive personal opinion that I feel obligated to go out and buy this book. It sounds like a wonderful story, I don't typically like to read though.. But I have picked up a couple of Album books and he is an amazing author. Thanks
I loved the book Five People You Meet in Heaven! I believe he is also the same author that wrote Tuesdays with Morrie, which i also loved. His books are amazing and I go through them in just a matter of days. Reading this review, made makes me want to re-read those two books and start with his new ones, like the book you read: For One More Day. Great Review! I think I'll pick this up at the book store or library and read it :]
Oh, & I agree with Michelle, his books are short, simple, to the point and very deep.
I absolutely loved this book! The Five People You Meet in Heaven was also great. Like Michelle said, his books are short but are deep and full of life's lessons.
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