Thursday, April 2, 2009

SSR:harry potter 6

This quarter i read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince because i know the movie is coming out so i thought it'd be nice to catch up.I just finished the 652 page book and need to give Mrs.Fletcher back her copy asap.Well i was very pleased yet again to complete one of J.K. Rowling's fictional series because they always keep me reading to find out what is going on in the magical world.Now in the 6th year, Harry has grown up and has to face Voldemort again.He faces more of the parts of Voldemort's past to find out how he became the evil wizard he is now.Through the help and request of Dumbledore, Harry puts together missing pieces of a puzzle that will allow him to defeat the Dark Lord in the end.As it is known, the prophecy that only one may live is growing closer and closer to be proven true.
In my opinion, Rowling wrote this book as an explanation of all the differnt weapons each side(the Death Eaters and Voldemort vs. The Order of the pheonix) are going to bring when the long awaited battle between good and evil is fought.Harry goes on a quest to find Voldemort's weaknesses while Voldemort is using spies within Hogwarts to destroy it from the inside.Though closer looks into others' memories, Harry is able to find more peices of his leverage.More and more deathly incidents occur at school as Harry suspects Malfoy of being a new recruitment as a Death Eater.
In the end, the unexpected happens and Rowling throws a huge twist leaving me edging to read the next book as soon as i can.Confidences are broken and loved ones are lost as the race to survive continues.Rowling leaves the reader mystified as to what may happen next.


Sam said...

Well.. I admire anyone that can get through books as huge as those. As I have discovered this year, I have a difficult time reading long books because of my busy life I get distracted and put the books down and never come back to them.
I didn't make it past the 4th book and usually wait for the movies. I know the books are much better, and this book sounds very interesting! I like when books look into the different character's points of view. How you said they look into Harry's and Voldemort's memories is something I love about certain books I have read.

Cybill Rayos said...

The last Harry Potter book I read was the fourth book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Is that the fourth one? Oh well, the books just seems to be getting longer and longer and time is getting cut shorter and shorter. Condsidering the fact that as seniors, we have so much things to do before the year ends. I feel like i don not have time to read! But this book sounds very interesting! Notonly from this review from other people as well.

BrookeC said...

I can't wait to read Half Blood Prince! I read the one before that i forget thee name now but it was great to so can't wait to get started on this one. I haven't caught up for the same reason Cybill Rayos used, because the books seem to be getting longer and longer there isn't much time to sit down and finish a 1000 page book. Although it's hard to not read with J.K Rowling's amazing writing. She just makes the books so interesting its difficult to stop reading it. She always seems to put a twist at the end that cause you to spend another 30 bucks on the new book coming out. I love these books and i recommend them to anyone who likes adventure =]

Paul of the Rose said...

It seems to be the trend to stop at the 4th book. I guess thats when the Harry potter mania died down for us. now that I am older I think I will pick these books back up, dust them off and give the m another shot. I was always more of a Lord of the rings type of guy.