Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Clasp = Soo True

We all shared that moment with our parents. That split second in time that our every step wasn't given praise or cheer, the time when when our seemingly sense of immortality was stripped from us without us even knowing are parents had limits.Of course I can't remember the first time I met with the clasp, but I can remember the profound impact it would have on me for about twenty to thirty minutes; I would be completely devastated.
"What could I have done?" I, the one who's pictures cover the walls from hall ways to the living room, how could I upset anyone. Yet behind the tight clasp on my shoulder were the frustrated, disgusted eyes of my father. I knew those eyes in many different ways more pleasant then what glared at me, but I learned that there was a line that should not be crossed. In moments like those I cried horribly as expected but I learned discipline and self- control. Sharon Olds brought back memories of my times of youth and immaturity, not only that, but the ice cream that was bought to make me feel better.

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