Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Loop de looping.

Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that I enjoyed looping today. For those who don't know what looping is it's an eight minute quick write about a topic. Then you pick a favorite or moving sentence out of what you wrote and start writing again by beginning with the topic of the sentence you picked.

For example: Today's looping topic was "rebellion." So I wrote and picked a sentence I liked and started talking about rules. Picked another sentence and started talking about money. It goes on and on and on and before you know it the bell rings for the next class.

Basically writing can take you anywhere in your mind. I like the fact that we can just write whatever we want (be appropiate on what you write about) without being hesitant about a specific topic. Maybe it's because I like to write (hence why i have a blog), but it's good because loop writing expresses our minds through pen or pencil and paper. I think that's what we all really need. To express how and what we feel about a topic in any way possible.

Also, don't forget to bring your SSR books tomorrow since Ms. Fletcher won't be here. Bye everyone! Enjoy the rest of your day.(:

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