Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Many Many Pages Under My Belt

Aaallllllllll right. So heres the skivvy, I have read 3 and a half books since my other book review. I didn't finish the other one so here is the end of the story.......She forgives her mom, find a new life, gets with a really hot artist, and she learns alot about her life and others. BAM! pretty feel good ending=) The other books i read are called WINGS-which is about fairies and is becoming a series and anyone who likes twilight should look into these books because they are amazing- and the other book is called THIRTEEN REASONS- a girl kills herself and leaves behind this set of tapes and each tape talks to one of the 13 people who "helped" her end her life and the book takes you on a wild ride and makes you look at the world through a different set of eyes. I don't know the names of the authors by heart but if you really want to know just hit me up and I'll give them to you =)

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