Saturday, March 21, 2009

Crazy Indeed

Yea I see where everyone is coming from, but I think that I am entitled to my opinion. I still think he is absolutely crazy. I just don't agree with this dude, and I think he is a really rude person. I guess you can say that I am reading this book closed minded, and I wouldn't deny it. I just can't see past the people that he has mistreated and used, so ultimately I'm going to have a biased opinion throughout the entirety of this book. He struck a nerve with me, and he hasn't done much to repair it thus far in the book. It gets worse and worse.


Megan Tisdale said...

I totally get where you are coming from. Sometimes, characters will do things that are pet peeves or are just plain rude. You are totally allowed your opinion. Please don't feel that we are gaining up on you. *hugs*

TV said...

He's smart. Nobody can deny that. However, he's not book smart or street smart. He's just smart. To put it in the terms of roll playing, his attributes would be as follows:

...and his alignment would be:
chaotic good.

lol I'm such a nerd.

Michelle Nation said...

I finished the book, I agree with some feelings he has had, but I would never be so selfish as to leave society, my friends and family included.

I think it is the burden of intelligence, to want to escape, to feel left out, but Chris was just selfish and cruel to others.

I am one of the more "negative" people in the world though, so saying I think he's crazy and mean and whatever might not help your stance much.

And TV, wow. Maple or WOW? Hahaha