Sunday, March 29, 2009

I honestly don't know what to say..

I am all caught up with the reading as of Friday's work, and I still don't have anything to say.. So don't mind if I ramble for awhile. Well one of my opinions of Chris McCandles is that he is not very nice to the people he comes into contact with on his trip through the U.S. He tended to be moody from many of the people's perspectives. Quiet and to himself, then outgoing and the life of the party, to irritable in an instant. Some people I have discussed this with have said that it's because he didn't want any connection with the people he came in contact with, but then he sends these people long letters and postcards while he is away that are optimistic and thankful. In some he says he can't wait until they come in contact again and others give advice with how they should live their lives.

I just don't understand this guy, and it just adds to the pile of me not liking him. He made many bad decisions throughout the entire trip, he wasn't completely nice to the people he came in contact with, he was selfish, and he didn't fully get the "wild" experience (from what I have read). He gave up all that money in the beginning, gets rid of some gear that was necessary when "entering the wild" and then gets various jobs and uses this money to survive. I don't know where I am going with any of this.. I think I made some valid points where I stand on the argument about Chris McCandles and his decision making skills and bad attitude.


Julie Barragan said...

You know what Sam... I think that we are trying to analyze a normal guy. We are so used to reading books with characters that are bad or romantic or spoiled. And we can usually give an analysis. But this is different... it is as if you guys are trying to analyze me. You wont find too much, but a moody teenage girl that has goals in life. How fun of a book can that be? Yeah sure some people might even have a better story and it is their real life, but lets face the facts. Chris was a normal guy just trying to break from his parents grasp and we are trying to make a big deal about and it feels weird to us because there isnt much there for us to write about. I dont know if that makes sense, but I do hope it does.

adilene said...

I think that Chris was just trying to do what he wanted to do without any meaning or any lesson to be learned from his experience. He was just trying to do his thing and pursuit his dream, just like we’re trying to pursuit ours of going off to college and being independent. We’re not thinking about making something meaningful of everything we do to teach somebody something, but jut to live our life.

Brittnee Clary said...

I really do understand what Julie is trying to say! I mean we all are trying to figure out something "meaningful" to right about Chris on the blog, but what can we really say? Like many of us, he was rebellious and craved adventure. The only difference, is the fact that he made his own adventures. I do not believe he was crazy or malicious in his attempt towards a freer lifestyle. He simply did what he wanted. Perhaps if we all just went out there and pursued what we really wanted, we would be a much happier society. Some of us may not agree with Chris's decisions, but that doesn't mean we have to dislike him. Oh, and I honestly don't think that Chris's main motivation was to hurt his family.

By the way, a book about Julie Barragan, moody teenage, would probably be really interesting. I would totally read it!