Sunday, March 22, 2009

What is everyone else reading?

Besides Into the Wild, what is everyone else reading? Has anyone finished their SSR book yet? If so, could they recommend it to anyone in the class? I am looking out for another book to read, because I am almost done with mine.
I’m crazy in love with my SSR book, Bel Canto! Ann Patchett is quickly becoming my new favorite author. Her style of writing is so fluid; it is an amazing break for me, from the strange or difficult assigned reading that we sometimes have to do for school. Though it sounds like a basic plot, “a bunch of wealthy/important businessmen become hostages and are forced to live and work together with a group of terrorists, ” Ms. Patchett reveals hidden depths within each of the characters through their interactions with one another. In the book, all of the main characters, hostages and terrorists alike, go through a transformation as they are held captive in the same house, waiting for something, anything, to happen. As they tell their stories to one another, they learn that even with the language barriers between them they share a common love of music. It is with music that the occupants of the house have a way to communicate with each other. It’s difficult to describe how unbelievably captivating this book is, but I recommend it to anyone who has a passion for music and romance.


Gabby said...

I'm reading JAZZ by Toni Morrison. It's a wonderful book, mostly because she paints these vivid pictures that are not only highly visual, but they are relevant and tangible. I would recommend it to anyone, but it would be slightly harder for some people to grasp some of the diction, or the culture because Morrison is a black author and so are her subjects. But don't let that stop you from appreciating her viscosity and imagery! =)

Something a little less racially specific would be WATER FOR ELEPHANTS by Sara Gruen. LOVE IT! Soooooo good. Again, the imagery in this novel, too, is astounding. It's an easy read, yet it's gripping, and you'll be enthralled by the charcters and the plot. It's hard to put down once you start; I'm not going to lie to you. =)

Madde Di Pietro said...

ohh thanks for the book recomendations!

Koyya said...

Is this the book that was advertised to us in our trip to the library? Either way it sounds like an intersting book and I am glad that youe njoy it. I am gald to hear a book about a bunch of wealthy people in the struggle. You do not see that enough.

Madde Di Pietro said...

Yes it is one of the books they told us about in the library.