Friday, March 27, 2009

Is this off topic?

Dear Young Students Heading Off to College in 10 Short Weeks:
I would like you to watch this video and comment on it, please.



Koyya said...

Well Fletcher, I watched the video and I must say that I am worried. I expect my college experience to be different, but that video gives me little hope. I know most of it is on me, but I do not know how well I can handle distractors. Well, we shall see.

Apacheson2 said...

Wow Fletcher, that has to be one of the best descriptions of college I have ever seen. I talked to my sister about this video and she sadly admits that this is true. The video just shows how much the whole modern society really wants to succeed. My dad always tells me that my generation is filled with people that were not born hungry, and thus we have no drive. I can only speak for myself and say that I have drive, just not to do work that I am not passionate for.

Sam said...

My first impression of the video was "I really like this, it is an interesting way of getting their point across" (through each student holding up a piece of paper) but as the video went along and I noticed what they were talking about I got a little "scared." Not frightened scared.. but the like chills scared. I am going to be thrown into this next year. I have been telling people the past couple weeks that I am terrified about going to college.. It's going to be a great experience, but I haven't had to switch schooling environment since I started 7th grade. This August I am going to some school where I will be living on campus, with people I hardly know, in classes harder than I have experienced, with teachers and coaches I do not know.

..I feel I went a little off topic of the video. But I felt it just opened the conversation about next year. And as for you (Fletcher) posting the question "Is this off topic?" I don't think so. Because this blog is for all seniors, and I believe we should all watch this because.. that's us next year.

Lindsay said...

This is a great video. It didnt say a word and it gave me the chills and it really opened my eyes to what kind of environment I will be in next year. All my friends and I talk about is how excited we are to graduate and how bad we want to go to college. That video just kind of made me nervous. It really showed me that I need to stay focused and hold my own. Im going to be a big kid now and I need to take responsibilty for what I do in school. I will no longer have my mom and dad holding my hand through every step. It's all on me!

BrookeC said...

This video is not off topic at all I think it is important for us seniors to know the reality of life as a college student. Many things do change and people don't realize until they get there. The video definitely has an interesting view. Like one of the other students who said " sadly I talked to my sister and this is true, " I as well have heard the same from my brother. The class sizes are so big that professors do not have time or can't remember everyone's name, especially when you do not attend the same class everyday like high school. I think college is much more independent and you have to create the drive yourself in order to succeed. I am even more nervous now !

Destineed16 said...

Wow Fletcher way to scare me shitless(excuse my language). When i think of college i think of fun , excitement, and getting the tools to go further in life. From watching that video it opened my eyes for what is coming in four and a half months.Just saying that sends chills to my spine. Over crowded classrooms, distractions, and looking forward to graduating with 20,000 dollars in debt.Sounds so scary but i think i can handle it.:)

Julia Crook said...

Wow this really made me kinda excited. Weird, i know. It's just that college is such a huge journey and we can't really know how it is gonna be for us personally. Everyone can share there experiences but we create our own. I am nervous about going to college but I think since I am going to live at home, I am way more confident. I feel more content and that the only thing that is going to be different is the schedule and class sizes. I am looking forward to it being more independent, because I like making my own structure. I work well on my own time and I like feeling like I am being successful on my own. College here we come!! Yay seniors! =)

Kayla Wilson said...

This video makes me just a bit nervous. I never really took the time to sit down to think about the college classroom environment. It was a great way to get their point across. Its going to take a lot of getting use to because I've become so accustomed to the high school environment. It will be a challenge, but I think we'll all be fine.

Nev3r Wr0ng said...

This video shows me that people can use technolgy for most of their day. I do believe that most of our day is taken up by technology. However, the way you use your technology is completely on you as a student. I think that technology is the best thing that has happened to us students, because tools such as the internet are always useful in finding information. Although a lot of people say that it causes distraction to schoolwork, it can also be entertaining. The video explains that most people use it in differen ways, and that makes me nervous for my future, lol.

JessaBabyy said...

This video is really powerful. However, it scares me because We're getting ready to go off into the world and none of those people to me looked hopeful, positive, or happy. College is supposed to be an amazing time in your life, and to me this video did not reflect that at all. It kind of makes me think of how in Into The Wild, McCandless says college was an onerous duty. None of the college students looked like they were happy. It makes me not want to graduate, I'm really sad now. :/

PJ said...

ok fletch that video was a trip. who knew that a little 5 minute video could be so powerful & i like how they got their point across. this video really made me think about how college is going to be. i liked this video alot!!

adilene said...

the world is confusing isn't it?
the idea of college is different for every person and what they do with it is totally up to them. some students go into college because they want to get away from home and they want to party all the time. others are forced to go to college by their families. then there's those who go to college to learn and be someone in life, they want to become better. how many of each there are?... is the real question.

betty s. said...

It is a horrible truth. How well we do in college is all up to us, because no cares how we do in anything as long as they are getting paid. Plus students get board and some are fortunate enough to have a laptop, so of course they are going to entertain themselves rather than be adults and persevere.
