Monday, April 6, 2009

Free Rice!

I love the website because every time you answer a question correctly, they donate 10 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program. The UN donates the rice to starving kids across the world. You can choose your best subject whether that is english, math, geography, chemistry, art, or foreign language. If you get an answer wrong, the next question will be easier and they will have that same question you missed again. Everyone needs to participate in this wonderful website because it not only helps your vocabulary but it also feeds hungry kids.


c.kenn(: said...

I was just on free rice too & I think its amazing. It can not only teach you new vocabulary if you don't already know it, but it also donates food to the hungry.

How great is that. You can help out a starving family with your knowledge. Who would have thought ..

Zikomo said...
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analisa said...

I love too! I think is tight! I'm helping feed people and m learning new words; cool.

Zikomo said...

i just went on the website and i have to say i have never heard some of the words they put on there in my life. The questions aren't just limited to to English but have math and history as well.