Tuesday, April 21, 2009

RE: Stinky blogging stats

This blog of the month is basically explaining how bloggers are starting to make their way into the world. Many bloggers, english majors or not, obtain about 22k a year for all their posts. Well, maybe not their posts, but their visitors. The statistics may be wrong, but bloggers are still making a living.

These statistics have been alarming. It's as though we're starting to rely on the words of random people. How will we be able to tell if their research is legit? Even in this "Stinky blogging stats" they were correcting incorrect information.

Another thing I find upsetting about rich bloggers is that I feel like we're leaving out all those English majors who worked hard to become journalist. I mean, you don't need a degree to start blogging, 13 year olds do it all the time. Why should these people gain more money than those who actually train to be in that field?

I don't even understand how these people get their money. I read it once, or heard about it on a google documentary.. It's like people ask to put their links up first or their advertisments on the top of their search. Everytime someone clicks on the link, that website owes google 35 cents. I wonder if blogs work the same way. What is they're hosted by blogspot, or whoever. Does the payment work the same? Maybe someone can inform me how these bloggers get paid.

This short article really gave me more questions than answers.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

wow. this post scares me. nicole does bring up an alarming idea: people are starting to listen to random people they've never met in their life through blogs! Is it a bad thing to make money off blogs? No I don't think so, but Nicole is right when she brings up the danger of it to people as a whole, starting a trend of reliability without accountability; meaning a habit of instant trust of people without first knowing who they are and confirming their truthfulness and literacy.