Monday, April 6, 2009

These quotes I do like...sorry just watched STAR WARS

~"Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees that it is old enough to know better"~
The last couple quotes I've read have really had some deeper meaning to them. The one about if there is a God really appealed to me. This quote, to me, is pretty straight forward about how corrupt our society is. No one does know when our race came to be and there are many debates concerning whether we evolved or we were created the way we are, but the bottom line is no one does know. It is safe to say though that humans have been on this planet for a good amount of time and we have learned and adapted through those times. Can anyone tell me why our society seems to get even more screwed up the longer we, as a race, live? Go back 50 years ago and you would see kids playing in the front yard by themselves, people walking to the mall because they aren't afraid to walk alone, or no hardcore terrorism taking place. I'm not saying our society has gone to the dumps but I am saying you would think with all the things we are able to do now then we were able to do then that our morals would rise as well.

1 comment:

niickbearrr said...

yeahh i know what you mean kayla. why can't people just chill and stop bein so crazy! enjoy the simple things in life and get over what kind of car you drive or what type of jeans your wore to school cuz deep down we're all the same