Monday, April 6, 2009

ssr: the bell jar

i've begun to read a book called The Bell Jar,
by Sylvia Plath
this book is about a college aged girl, she goes away on an internship and meets a best friend and she is struggling between this crazy wild girl who she has fun with or the other interns who are more respectable. she had a boyfriend she didn't really like and once she finds out he had sex she thinks she should do the same to even the score. part of it is about her struggle between yes and no and finding the right someone to have sex with. the book doesn't elaborate much on this but soon switches to a part in her life where she is depressed and it dying to kill herself. 
this girl, esther, is an emotional disaster and the things she thinks are interesting because they're coming from a person who feels nothing except for a desire to end her life. i hope she changes her mind by the end of the book.
it was highly recommended to me and i suggest you read it because everyone can learn a small bit from her experiences. 


Kayla Wilson said...

This book seems like its all over the place, but for some reason i think i would like to read it.

if its your copy can i borrow it?

Nev3r Wr0ng said...

Maaaan, these are the types of books that give crazy people ideas on how to end their lives, lol. Doesn't sound like my package of steroids and definetly not my cup of Creatine. Hahaha (: