Monday, April 6, 2009


Night is written by Elie Wiesel and it is 120 pages long. The book is about a young teenage boy, named Eliezer, who is growing up in Sighet, Hungarian Transylvania. While he is in school, studying the Jewish Religion, his teacher was on a train when it was taken over by the Gestapo (the German Secret Police Force) to a forest, where they were butchered. In 1944 the Nazis took over Hungry and boarded all of the people in Eliezer’s town into cattle cars for several days until they reached their destination of Birkenau, the gateway to Auschwitz. When the cattle cars arrived in Birkenau, Eliezer and his father were separated from his mother and sisters, who the never saw again. Eliezer and his father were put through evaluations, where they see if the Jews should be killed immediately or put into a prison which is where they ended up. Eliezer is put to work in an electrical-fittings factory. All the Jews are working under slave-labor conditions and they are all viciously beaten. Eliezer had to go under the knife due to a foot injury, while he was recovering the Nazis decided to move camps because the Russians were invading the camp. After traveling over fifty miles to their destination, they Nazis decided to move to another concentration camp called Buchenwald. Throughout traveling from concentration camp to concentration camp hundreds of Jews die including his father. Eliezer pulls through all the tough obstacles that he has been put through all the way to when the Americans saved them. This is definitely a book you should read if you are interested in WWII.

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