Monday, April 6, 2009


I have just completed the book and am now on the Epilogue. I must say that I enjoy to story of Chris McCandless. I admire his inner struggle, I can understand why he did the things that he did, and I applaude him for doing what made him happy. What I do not like about this book is Krakauer.

The way he tells the story of Chris is unreasonable. He could easily tell the story, period. But no, that is not enough. Jon must put in a few too many anecdotes. He describes certain events too much, more detail than you need. (Like the confusion of moose or caribu.) I find all of this completely pointless.

My final thoughts on this book. I like McCandless and what he stood for, instead it is Krakauer who I do not like.....


Maddi Martin said...

I could not agree with you more! The huge chunk that chp. 14 and 15 take up as well i found pointless about his own journey and climbing an icecap was just put in their randomly and without purpose, i felt. And really almost an entire chapter on potato seeds and the difference between two relatively close species, one of which may have caused chris' death, just to say in conclusion that it most likely WASNT the cause of his death??

amj07 said...

I thought I was maybe the only one who felt this way about Krakauer, although I see I am not alone! I thought there were many instances throughout the whole book where I found myself thinking, is this really necessary? or Wow, how random. Especially Maddi's example about Chapters 14 and 15. That was ridiculous to me! I remember when I read those two chapters I almost was falling asleep. It sounds mean, but I had a hard time caring about Jon's adventures. I mean, is he trying to show that he was similar to Chris as in the way of he wanted a taste of adventure? I don't get the point of those chapters. It's almost as if Jon wants his little moment, rather two chapter spotlight of attention! And then yes, the whole chapter about the potato seeds was pointless too. Not that talking about it all together was pointless, but a whole chapter? C'mon Krakauer!

Julia Crook said...

I just read those chapters today and i looked at Jessica and said "Is this necessary?" I felt the same way. I get irritated when an author puts irrelevant stories in a book. It draws people's attention away from the main story and makes them bored. Krakauer disappointed me a little for that.

niickbearrr said...

yeahh i totally agree with you. krakauer puts too much of his opinions on mccandless's life and its sorta bugging me too. it seemed unnecessary and like he was just trying to prolong the book

A McKell said...

I agree. When Ms. Fletcher was introducing the book to us and telling us what it was all about, I was interested in reading about McCandless' story. But as I started reading more and more, I felt that there oould have been more information about Chris and less about the unneccesary details Krakauer leaves us to read.