Monday, April 6, 2009

OK: Here's the line for 3rd Quarter...

and now we start 4th quarter...another SSR book to read, and we'll start a new unit soon that I'll want to see you talking about out here. I like this conversation among us, and I think you're all doing good work, thinking and writing and interacting with one another. What do YOU think of the blog??


Nicole Espiritu said...

Personally, I don't like blogging. I always thought of it as a self thing and to put your thoughts out for everybody to read is pretty intimidating. I mean, sure, it's suppose to help voice those who can't be heard, but maybe blogs provide too much voice. Like.. to the point where it damages more than it helps.

Unknown said...

I actually like the whole "blogging" thing. It's alot easier then turning in an essay or an SSR one pager.